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10+ Powerful WordPress Rating Plugins

WordPress Rating pluign

Do you want to know the level of service satisfaction or product quality from users? Let’s take a look at our collection now. We will provide you the best WordPress Rating that you must have so that you can improve and develop your website!

The plus point of the WordPress Rating plugins

  • Improved user engagement: A rating system can improve user engagement by allowing users to provide feedback and ratings on products, services, or content.
  • Increased social proof: User-generated ratings and reviews can serve as social proof, which can help to increase trust and credibility in the website.
  • Increased conversion rates: User-generated ratings and reviews can help to increase conversion rates by providing potential customers with valuable information about a product or service.
  • Better analytics: Rating plugins provide website administrators with detailed analytics on user behavior, such as ratings, reviews and conversion rate.
  • Improved SEO: Rating and reviews can be indexed by search engines and can help to increase the visibility of the website in search engine results.

Let’s explore Top WordPress Rating plugins

YASR – Yet Another Stars Rating

Yet Another Stars Rating (YASR) is a lightweight and useful WordPress Rating plugin for both designers and users. It allows you to include review and make star rate that your users will have the vote level for your posts, pages, and sites.

WordPress Rating pluign


  • Available metabox in the upper right corner
  • Insert the overall rating.
  • Add a block and search for
  • Automatic translation
  • and more.


  • Good plugin
  • Easy to use
  • Great service.

Rate my Post – WP Post Rating

Rate my Post – WP Post Rating helps you rapidly and effectively add rating gadgets to your posts and pages. In addition, it will provide The module likewise has an examination segment where you can perceive what number of votes each post/page got and what is its normal rating.

WordPress Rating pluign


  • Provide different types of rating widget
  • Add rating widget with shortcode
  • Option to show results
  • Ability to change All texts and colors
  • Analytics section with data
  • and more.


  • Excellent work
  • Nice and elegant
  • Simple and useful tool.

Multi Rating

Multi Rating is considered amazing post rating/survey framework tool WordPress with a specialty of showing improvement over any other users. It has some special features to enable you to create rate easily, for example, demonstrating the rating in a dropdown menu rather than the causal stars, or maybe radio catches is the thing that you extravagant.

WordPress Rating pluign


  • Multiple rating post criteria
  • Export ratings to a CSV file
  • Display the rating form
  • Apply weights to rating items
  • Support for star image icons
  • and more.


  • Simple to set up
  • Multiple rating items
  • Versatile and reliable.

GD Rating System

GD Rating System accompanies a secluded methodology with a large portion of its highlights partitioned between add-ons or rating techniques. Besides, you will likewise get posts and remarks addon which offers a sort by rating highlight.

WordPress Rating pluign


  • Addon feeds support and posts integration
  • A default set of templates
  • Shortcode for rating block
  • Present shortcode for rating list
  • Votes log administration
  • and more.


  • Perfect product
  • Good features
  • Excellent and comprehensive.

Rating-Widget: Star Review System

With the clean design, Rating-Widget: Star Review System is the best option to understand evaluations for: posts, pages, remarks, WooCommerce, BuddyPress and bbPress discussions from clients.  This WordPress Rating plugin has such a large number of highlights to show them all, so you should look at them yourself.

WordPress Rating pluign


  • Unlimited star & thumb ratings
  • RatingWidget branded
  • Secure Connection
  • Ability Unlimited votes
  • Email Support
  • and more.


  • Beautiful plugin
  • Easy to install
  • Nice looking.

Site Reviews

Site Reviews enables your guests to submit audits with a 1-5 star rating on your site, like the manner in which you would on TripAdvisor or Yelp. Additionally, you can stick your best surveys with the goal that they dependably appear, require endorsement before new audit entries are distributed.

WordPress Rating pluign


  • Asian language support
  • Assign reviews to a Post ID
  • Backup and restore plugin settings
  • Complete documentation
  • Custom notifications
  • and more.


  • Responsive and helpful
  • Quality plugin
  • Possible customization.

Like Button Rating

When you need social ratings rather than just star rating, this WordPress Ranking plugin is suitable for your requirement. Like Button Rating could just be added to posts, pages, discussions, custom post types, WooCommerce items, and even remarks.

WordPress Rating pluign


  • Provide 80 parameters, 41 themes, 40 languages
  • Custom themes and images.
  • Sorting content by likes.
  • Allow Email notifications
  • Like box displaying users
  • and more.


  • Easy vote integration
  • Supportive social networks
  • Good functionality.

Thumbs Rating

Thumbs Rating has a wide range of functional items that make it easy for you to create the rating in your site. Moreover, you can set this WordPress Rating plugin up to show anyplace you need, look at the Installation guidelines.

WordPress Rating pluign



  • No output printed by default
  • Stores the votes values
  • Show the most voted items
  • Display the buttons using shortcodes
  • and more.


  • Amazing plugin
  • Easy to modify
  • Work fine.

Simple Rating

Simple Rating allows you to use its effective features in order to design the rating level which is provided to the customers and control their support satisfaction. For example, you can choose the alignment of the rating and then disable rating for a specific entry.

WordPress Rating pluign


  • Fit a wide variety of themes
  • Adjust the scale of rating
  • Disable rating for a specific entry
  • Customize vote count style
  • Languages available
  • and more.


  • Great plugin
  • Excellent work
  • Nice and perfect.

Custom Ratings

Not as other usual WordPress Rating plugin, Custom Rating provides you the funny items and icon so that your users associate and rate your site content. Besides, you enable to look over a choice of ‘built-in’ rating pictures or transfer your own single picture.

WordPress Rating pluign


  • Customizable all text
  • Compatible with a cumulative tallying system
  • Use the built-in CSS
  • Full control over caching time
  • Option for manual placement
  • and more.


  • Diverse features
  • Easy to use
  • Creative idea.


In conclusion, we hope you will choose the best WordPress Rating plugin for your site. Don’t forget to share this list with your friends and get more free WordPress themes!

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