
We provide Banner position from our website with details as below:

Header Alert (for all pages):

Price: $400/MO

Position: Top header bar (check Page)

Slot: 1

Status: Booked

Below Title banner

Price: $300/MO

Position: Bottom of page (check Page)

Slot: 1

Status: Available

Bottom banner

Price: $300/MO

Position: Bottom of page (check Page)

Slot: 1

Status: Available

Product Title

Price: $300/MO

Position: Below Product Title (check Page)

Slot: 1

Status: Booked

Product Sidebar

Price: $300/MO

Position: Right Sidebar (check Page)

Slot: 1

Status: Booked

Product Content

Price: $300/MO

Position: Below/Above Product content (check Page)

Slot: 2

Status: Available

Search Result

Price: $300/MO

Position: Below Search Result content (check Page)

Slot: 1

Status: Available

Blog Sidebar

Price: $300/MO

Position: Right Sidebar of Blog Listing & Detail (check Page)

Slot: 3

Status: Booked

You also can submit FREE & Premium WordPress themes or promo your product or content.

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*** Payment accepted: Paypal or Master/Credit cards, Payoneer, etc,.