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Top 8 Best WordPress Columns Plugins

WordPress Columns Plugin

Want to make your site separated into many sections? This blog will help you achieve your goal!

The strong point of the WordPress Columns plugins

It is essential for you to design your page into clear parts so that your visitors can see your content effectively and quickly. Why don’t you build and organize the separate section in your content with the WordPress Column plugin? Today, we will show you a collection of WordPress Column plugin to help you make columns. Take it a consideration now!

Top WordPress Columns Plugins

Equal Height Columns

Equal Height Columns lets you effectively balance the height of columns after the page has loaded. This is the best option for your site if you want to trigger the equalizing of the heights manually because of its functions.

WordPress Column plugin



  • Target unlimited elements
  • Specify breakpoint
  • Automatically updates on resize
  • Mobile devices available
  • Comes with a custom event listener
  • and more.


  • Great plugin
  • Easy and quick
  • Simple to use.

Featured Image Column

Featured Image Column allows you to organize both your content and your image in a clear way; therefore, your visitors can keep track of your site easier. Also, this WordPress Column plugin has some new filters that help you change the default image.

WordPress Column plugin


  • Add support for a custom default image
  • Remove support for post types
  • Change the size of the image.
  • and more.


  • Clear tool
  • Unique features.

Easy Widget Columns

Easy Widget Columns helps you organize your content in the row of column. Moreover, this WordPress Columns plugin allows you to can characterize new lines and sub-lines of gadget segments with the ‘ Widget Row’ gadget and the ‘Sub-Row’ gadget separately,

WordPress Column plugin


  • Add the width control to the specified widgets
  • Add a custom color palette
  • Assign preset CSS classes
  • Remove specific or all advanced options
  • and more.


  • A useful plugin to customize
  • Worl well.

Admin Columns

By using Admin Columns, you design and post columns in your pages as well as your content. Besides, it will give you list tables and then you can monitor to deal with the segments displayed in these reviews.

WordPress Column plugin


  • Directly edit all types of data
  • Import and export your column setup
  • Reorganize the custom columns added
  • Display custom fields for posts and users
  • Provides a set of custom field types
  • and more.


  • Helpful product
  • Excellent support
  • Indispensable for custom post types.

Multi-column Tag Map

Multi-segment Tag Map is one of the most popular WordPress Column plugins that is set up and used in any site. It is simple and useful so that it will show a columnized an alphabetical listing of all tags, categories, authors and so on.

WordPress Column plugin


  • Display tags, categories, pages or single taxonomies
  • Alphabetically lists all tags
  • Show tags with no posts
  • Set the width of the columns
  • Customizable show link
  • and more.


  • Amazing plugin
  • A clean and elegant solution
  • Wonderful support.

Responsive Column Widgets

Responsive Column Widgets provides a lot of functional features that make it easy for you to build your content clearly with posting columns and rows. In addition, with the widget this WordPress Column plugin gives, the entire sidebar substance can be installed as a gadget thing into another sidebar.

WordPress Column plugin


  • Enable Auto-insert
  • Display widgets with a grid system
  • Support tablet and mobile visitors
  • Set the number of columns
  • Automatically inserts the defined widget box
  • and more.


  • Nice plugin
  • Great instruction
  • Time-saving.

Genesis Columns Advanced

Genesis Columns Advanced intends to produce shortcodes for each section with the column classes given. With this WordPress Column plugin,  you enable to add new features including the consideration of fifths, and it opens the way to more improvements later on!

WordPress Column plugin


  • Add 5 even columns
  • Responsive column configurations available
  • Ability three utility shortcodes
  • Adds one button to the editor
  • and more.


  • Nice work
  • Easy to use
  • Responsible and helpful.

Lightweight Grid Columns

Lightweight Grid Columns is the best way for you to create and organize columns in your post and your content. Also, it especially determines your width columns that are fixed to the devices such as the tablet, desktop, mobile phone.

WordPress Column plugin


  • Ability Desktop grid width\
  • Add custom classes
  • Add custom inline styles
  • Provide Equal height columns
  • and more.


  • Simple to set up
  • Quick tool
  • Reliable and solid code.


To sum up, we believe you can find out the best WordPress Column plugin for your site. Remember to share this list with your friends and take more free WordPress theme!

If you have any question, you can leave a comment below or contact us. Thank you for reading!