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List 7 Must-Have WordPress Multisite Plugins

WordPress Multisite plugin

Are you a WordPress user looking to create a multisite setup? If so, these seven essential plugins will help make the process easier and more efficient. From security to SEO, these plugins can help you unlock the full potential of your multisite network. Read on to learn more!

What can WordPress Multisite Plugin do for your website?

  • You can manage any number of individual sites from a single dashboard that looks like this.
  • Individual sites admins have the freedom to manage their sites, subject to limitations.
  • Themes and plugins need to be installed only once and then activated across the entire network.  This not only translates into better management but also makes for more efficient use of server space.
  • Users can create their own blogs on your network and manage them. If you want it to remain private, you can restrict access to users.
  • You can monetize the network by offering hosting services to others. If you are on shared hosting, this may be a little difficult. These blogs will have their own tables within the database. They do not have their own directories on your server, but when it comes to media uploads within the network, they do have their own separate directories. As the file structure is managed by WordPress, you do not have to trouble yourself with it.

Top WordPress Multisite Plugin

MultiSite Clone Duplicator

MultiSite Clone Duplicator adds another capacity to your establishment and it is just “copy site”. With this best WordPress Multisite Hosting, you would now be able to clone the whole site, from every one of the information and documents to clients and jobs.

WordPress Multisite plugin


  • Copies all posts and settings
  • Keep users and roles from duplicated site
  • Fully hookable
  • Generates log files
  • and more.


  • Stunningly easy
  • Great plugin.

WP Multisite Content Copier

WP Multisite Content Copier module permits arrange administrators to rapidly and effectively seed new destinations with substance, clients, and modules without the problem of doing it manually. Also, you can transfer almost instantly a lot of posts from one site to another.

WordPress Multisite plugin


  • Edit any post, page
  • Select destination sites you want to copy/update
  • Copy image, document file
  • Update parents tags, and categories automatically
  • and more.


  • Works great
  • Easy to use
  • Wide menu functionality.

Multisite Toolbar Additions

Multisite Toolbar Additions allows you to get additional highlights in the administrator toolbar of your multisite introduces. In addition, this WordPress Multisite plugin helps you include a custom route bar that will keep things running much steadier.

WordPress Multisite plugin


  • Add a Custom Nav Menu to the toolbar
  • Only visible and accessible for super admins
  • Manage content and media library
  • Edit post, pages
  • and more.

Multisite Enhancements

Multisite Enhancements adds plenty of helpful features to a multisite installation. For example, you are able to show which site has this plugin active on the network plugins page. This is a very useful tool that should be part of WordPress Multisite core.

WordPress Multisite plugin


  • Adds a blog and user ID in the network view
  • Change admin footer text
  • Enables an Add New link under the menu
  • Adds Favicon to each blog
  • Handy SSL identifier to each site
  • and more.


  • Nice work
  • Useful features.

WP Multisite User Sync

In WP Multisite User Sync, you will see the new element show up when you alter the client. It is one of the best WordPress Multisite Hostings that match up and unsyncs singular clients from one site to the next.

WordPress Multisite plugin


  • Sync or unsync individual user
  • Select destination sites
  • Auto-sync in the main site to subsites option
  • and more.


  • Great plugin
  • Wonderful customer service.

Multisite Post Duplicator

Multisite Post Duplicator can copy many custom posts to subsite by only one click on admin panel, so you don’t need a difficult operation, edit files, import, export, migration plugin and so on.

WordPress Multisite plugin


  • Copy custom fields and related post meta
  • Create a duplication link/syndication
  • Batch duplication ability
  • Specify a prefix for the new post
  • Choose to ignore specific post meta keys
  • and more.


  • Work fine
  • Time-saving
  • Helpful plugin.

Multisite Plugin Manager

WordPress Multisite Plugin Manager has a backend choices page to change module authorizations for everyone in your network. You also can initiate and deactivate tool for the majority in your system, and select widget for programmed enactment for every one of the online journals.

WordPress Multisite plugin


  • Select what sites have access to
  • Assign special access permissions
  • Removes the meta row links
  • override all to activate specific plugins
  • Mass activate/deactivate a plugin
  • and more.


  • Excellent tool
  • A lot of options.


We hope you can choose the best WordPress Multisite plugin to use. Please share this list with your friends and take more beautiful free WordPress themes!

Thank you for reading! Whenever you have any questions, don’t hesitate to leave a comment below or contact us! We will reply as soon as possible.