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List 12 Useful WordPress Advertising Plugins should use

wordpress advertising plugin

Putting advertisements on your website is also a nice way for you to make money online. Therefore, today we will show you the collection of WordPress Advertising plugins to optimize your advertising revenue. Take it a look!

The importance of using WordPress Advertising Plugin

WordPress Advertising plugins help you display ads on your website, and earn ad revenue from it. WordPress offers many advertising management plugins, free and premium that have numerous benefits. They help manage ads easily, check statistics, and earn ad revenue

Top WordPress Advertising Plugin

Ads for WP – Advanced Ads & Adsense Solution for WP & AMP

Ads for WP helps you show your ads in flexible positions on your site. Besides, thanks to several different advertising methods in this WordPress Advertising plugin, you can show your ads including sliders, pop-up ads and so on.

wordpress advertising plugin


  • Ads performance analytics with reports
  • Post specific ads control
  • Custom Ad HTML support
  • Expiry and scheduling option added
  • View Deep Insights into your traffic
  • and more.


  • Advanced features
  • Good plugin.

Google AdSense In-feed Placement for WordPress

Google AdSense In is an extra for the additionally simple Ads Manager WordPress. It is a devoted Google AdSense promotion type to adapt outline pages with a very nice design and concentrated choices.



  • Import/Export ads and settings
  • Save drafts of your ads
  • Attachment pages
  • Disable all ads on a specific page
  • Rotate multiple ads
  • and more.


  • Good extension
  • Simple to use.

AdSense Plugin WP QUADS

WP QUADS gives you huge amounts of management where and how your advertisements show. It is coded well with no overhead and is used on huge websites with millions of monthly page impressions.



  • Add unlimited ads
  • Insert headers and footers
  • Show or hide code snippets
  • detects optimal ad sizes
  • Select AdSense visibility on a mobile device
  • and more.


  • Nice Plugin
  • Simple and powerful
  • Easy to install.

Meks Easy Ads Widget

With this WordPress Advertising plugin, you can make a boundless number of advertisements inside your WordPress widget. There are a lot of perfect choices given to modify advertisements to your requirements.

wordpress advertising plugin


  • Define your custom size
  • Randomize ads ordering
  • Autoplay rotate ads
  • Create an unlimited number of ads
  • Limit number of ads per view
  • and more.


  • Flexible editing capability
  • Perfect function.

Ad Inserter – Ad Manager & AdSense Ads

Ad Inserter provides much professional function to embed advertisements at ideal positions. It allows you to create rich media ads with standard WordPress TinyMCE editor and ad blocking detection.

wordpress advertising plugin


  • Syntax highlighting editor
  • Automatically inserts ads
  • Code generator for banners
  • Custom alignments and styles
  • Define times to rotate adverts
  • and more.


  • Great plugin
  • Works nice
  • A wide variety of ads.

Woody ad snippets

Woody ad snippets make it easy for you to insert and store code snippet or copied the message in an extraordinary library at the administrator bar of your site. You can also show or hide code snippet with restrictive rationale.wordpress advertising plugin


  • Insert headers and footers
  • Support Google AdSense Ads
  • Place post snippets automatically
  • Register PHP functions, classes
  • Use JavaScript, CSS, and HTML code
  • and more.


  • Fantastic plugin
  • Work well.

Advanced Ads for WPBakery Page Builder

Using this WordPress Advertising plugin, you enable to manage all kinds of ads like Google AdSense, Google ad manager, Amazon, and any other custom code. It is considered a great option to coordinate ads into sites worked with that page developer.



  • Automatically inject ads into content
  • Manage all kinds of ads
  • Set expiry date and time
  • Rich media ads, text styling
  • Inject ads between posts
  • and more.


  • Works perfectly
  • Easy to use.

Easy AdSense Ads – Ad Inserter & AdSense Ad Manager

Easy AdSense Ads is one of the simplest Ads manager WordPress plugins for embeddings AdSense advertisements and different promotions. You can exclude advertisements into your home page, posts, pages.

wordpress advertising plugin


  • Add  different AdSense ad units
  • Inject multiple AdSense/ads
  • Insert HTML code, option forms
  • Remove default padding’s and borders
  • and more.


  • Very useful
  • Great app.

Ads by

Ads enable you to add commercials to your blog. You can add ads to your posts, pages or text widgets by means of the shortcode. You are allowed to add promotions to your site by adding capacity to your topic’s layout records.

wordpress advertising plugin


  • Set impression limit
  • Set the start and end date
  • Add ads to posts, pages
  • Embed ads in your template files
  • Supports caching
  • and more.


  • Easy to use
  • Save time
  • Nice plugin.

AdRotate Banner Manager

AdRotate Banner Manager is another amazing WordPress Advertising plugin that is a great option for both beginners and advanced users. It offers fundamental details to manage ads impressions, which is especially useful in case that you are selling ads on your site.



  • Available dynamic groups
  • Disguise adverts from ad blockers
  • Get email notifications
  • Any size advertisement
  • Daily, monthly and yearly stats
  • and more.


  • Great plugin
  • User-friendly
  • Fast support.

Insert Post Ads

Insert Post Ads enables you to consequently embed post ads after a particular number of paragraphs. You can make various promotions of any size and then choose the position you need to show the advertisement.

wordpress advertising plugin


  • Automatic Google AdSense injection
  • Insert post ads by customing code
  • Allow post ads anywhere
  • Select whether to insert post ads
  • and more.


  • Super easy setup
  • Quick tool.

Advanced Ads – Ad Manager & AdSense

Advanced Ads enables you to effectively embed advertisements anyplace on your site. With this WordPress Advertising plugin, you also add advertisement blocks in specific posts and create unlimited ads.



  • Manage and display unlimited ads
  • Group ads to create ad rotations
  • Schedule the ad
  • Shortcode for post content
  • Limit ad to display only once per page
  • and more.


  • Easy to use
  • Excellent support
  • Fast and friendly.


We hope that you can select the WordPress Advertising plugin for your site. Don’t forget to share this blog with your friends and take more free WordPress themes!

Thank you for reading! If you have any questions, please leave a comment below or contact us!