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WP Force SSL: Total Review

SSL stands for Secure sockets layer. It is a type of digital “document” that consists of a public and private key, which makes the website’s identity. It also contains information about the website, like its domain name, the site’s owner, and much more. Every site should have an SSL certificate since it does a lot for your security. An SSL certificate should be a must-have no matter what your site is doing and what kind of information it is working with. In this way, it encrypts your information, so no one can see it while the information is being delivered. It does not only provide authentication but also trust between your users. Just imagine your information being sent from one computer to another and delivered to the person it was intended for, no matter what the information is. Not having an SSL certificate might result in you losing customers since rarely will anyone give you their sensitive information with the possibility of them being leaked and hackers attacking your site.

Here we have two terms that you might not be familiar with or just never paid close attention to.

HTTP- is a Hypertext Transfer Protocol, and easiest said, it is a protocol used to transfer data over a certain network.

HTTPS- is the same protocol; only the added S represents that the protocol is “secure”.

To make this story a bit shorter, you should consider including an SSL certificate in your site since it protects your data, affirms your identity, improves your SEO, and improves trust between you and your customers/visitors.

In today’s article, we would like to present you with a tool that you might consider incorporating into your site, thanks to all of the great features it holds.

WP Force SSL is a fantastic tool that will help you with SSL-related everything. Let us go over some of the features it offers. The first one is the fact that it will cover all of the things you might need to help with your SSL. This means it saves you both time and money, not having to invest in a bunch of different tools since this is an all-in-one tool. One of the things in this aspect is SSL monitoring, making sure you do not forget to renew your certificate since the certificate is installed and maintained. Thanks to its centralized dashboard, you can manage all of your things in one place, such as purchases, licenses, sites, and much more. Thanks to its user-friendly interface, the tool is straightforward to use and does not require any special knowledge. If you ever run into any kind of problem, a strong team of experts is there to help you at any time.

I really do consider this tool to be the one on the SSL-related market. The prices of other tools are ridiculous compared to this one since they are the same or even higher, and their features are not even comparable to the ones WP Force SSL offers.

One of the best things is the fact that it offers a free version as well.

This version offers you a lot of tests that can be done on your website that are related to your SSL. All you have to do is run the tests, and the plugin will give you a list of the tests, which ones have passed, and which ones require some additional attention. Some of the tests are: checking if the site is on the localhost, SSL certification checks (if the latest version is installed, its expiry date, and so on), is HSTS enabled, is HTTPS working, and many more. You can also make some settings changes in the free version, like redirecting HTTP to HTTPS, enabling HSTS, X-frame options, expecting CT header, and more. Even though the free version is great and offers some really great features, we do recommend getting the Pro version, and we will tell you why right now.

WP Force SSL Pro  -This is a pro version of the same tool. Even the pro plan has additional plans inside it that you can choose, depending on your needs. The first one is Personal Lifetime. It costs $59 for a one-time purchase. Inside of It, you get a one-site license, endless updates and support, a content scanner, dashboard, real-time SSL monitoring, and all current and future tool features. The second plan is Team Lifetime, which costs $89 and includes all of the features from Personal, but only includes five sites license and also White-label mode. The last plan is Agency lifetime, which includes all of the features from the previously mentioned plans and includes rebranding, and offers 100 sites license. It is up to you what you and your business need. Based on that fact, you will be choosing which plan to use.

This is for sure the best tool on the market, and this is speaking based on its features. The content scanner feature is a very useful one since it scans all of your content and prevents the presence of any mixed content. The feature does it in a few seconds, and manually doing it would take you tons of time. Thanks to its extremely user-friendly interface, the pro version is also very easy to use and easy to figure out your way around it.


To conclude today’s story, we would like to, once more, say how essential SSL certificates are and that you should consider incorporating them into your site. WP Force SSL is the best tool on the market, and the fact that you can even use it for free is impressive.

Your information security, especially your customers/visitors, should be your top priority. Losing trust from your customers means losing your customers, and you can not go back if you gain a bad reputation amongst them. SSL certificate will for sure help you with this and allow you to forget it completely, so you do not have to think about it in the future.

We recommend WP Force SSL since it is the best tool we have come across in dealing with SSL. We hope that this article intrigued you even the slightest, at least for you to try the free version and then upgrade to the Pro one. This won’t cost you a thing, but a bit of time.

We hope that you have found this article helpful.