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9+ Best WordPress Tags plugin For Your Site

WordPress Tags plugin

Are you looking for ways to make your WordPress site user-friendly and efficient? Look no further! We’ve put together a list of the 10 best WordPress Tags plugins that will help you organize your content and make it easier for users to navigate. From tagging posts and pages to content suggestion, these plugins are perfect for any site in 2023.

What are the good points of using the WordPress Tags Plugin?

You can use this plugin to supercharge or overhaul the default WordPress category system. Some plugins allow you to look under the hood and do a lot of custom changes to the WordPress category infrastructure. All without adding complex code or editing your theme files, which is scary for beginners.

Others allow you to make minor changes to how your categories and tags work. As such, the route you choose ultimately depends on what you’re trying to achieve. That said, let’s weigh the anchor and set sail. I honestly hope you find exactly the WordPress category plugin you need to make your work easier.

Top WordPress Tags Plugin

DuracellTomi’s Google Tag Manager

DuracellTomi’s Google Tag Manager is a straightforward and influential WordPress Tags plugin that will allow you to control and send examination and promoting labels. Especially, there’s no requirement for the coding learning to set up this widget.

WordPress Tags plugin


  • Include titles, dates, category names
  • Provide site search data
  • Show post count on the current page
  • Generate weather-related remarketing lists
  • Track users’ interaction with YouTube, Vimeo
  • and more.


  • Easy to use
  • Fantastic plugin
  • Awesome features.

Tag Groups

Tag Groups works perfectly with most other systematics like WooCommerce item tags. Channels and activities make it easy for your work with tags and you are able to display your tags grouped by language or by topic.

WordPress Tags plugin


  • Display only specific tags
  • Change the sorting order
  • Customize the links, the text, the font size
  • Insert into each post a tag cloud
  • Create an alphabetical index of tags
  • and more.


  • Very well documented
  • Excellent support
  • Work well.

Metronet Tag Manager

Metronet Tag Manager is considered popular Tags on WordPress that you can assemble the vast majority of your following contents in a single position.

WordPress Tags plugin


  • Add any data layer variables on a per-host
  • Change/remove or test the system
  • Set up separate data layer variables
  • Add an HTML event handler
  • Put a unique ID to content link
  • and more.


  • Simple to install
  • Great tool.

Simple Tags

Simple Tags is the best and ideal plugin in dealing with WordPress related to taxonomy. Additionally, it is created and directed along with the highlights of labels recommendation, tags the board, alters include, auto tags and so on.

WordPress Tags plugin


  • Tags suggestion from Content Analysis
  • Compatible with TinyMCE, QuickTags
  • Rename, delete, merge, search and add tags
  • Edit more than 50 posts once
  • Type-ahead input tags
  • and more.


  • Work perfect
  • Time-saving
  • Useful plugin.

Multi-column Tag Map

This is an amazing WordPress Tags plugin for displaying posts from specified tags or categories in alphabetical order, with responsive columns. Not only is it a clean and elegant solution, but the support and responses from the developer are also both prompt and thorough.

WordPress Tags plugin


  • Display all tags, categories, pages
  • Alphabetically lists
  • Customizable “show more” link
  • Show tags belonging to private posts
  • Display the tag description
  • and more.


  • A clean and elegant solution
  • Outstanding support
  • Quick and wonderful.

Meta Tag Manager

Meta Tags Manager is a basic, lightweight and popular Tags on WordPress which enables you to add custom meta labels to your site. Besides that, you enable to insert extra open diagram, twitter card or other social media meta info not supported by other SEO/Meta plugins.

WordPress Tags plugin


  • Include the name, property, HTTP
  • Insert meta tags to specific posts
  • Add global meta tags
  • Display tags on specific CPTs
  • Add additional open graph
  • and more.


  • Very useful
  • Simple to set up.

Post State Tags

Post State Tags is a useful tool which works for Woocommerce order status, so you just have to customize the colors in the settings. Also, you can change the background color lightness value from dark to light with these popular Tags on WordPress.

WordPress Tags plugin


  • Add a left thick border color
  • Modifies the post status tags added
  • Support Published, Future, Draft values
  • Define custom dash icons
  • Enable/disable view in Admin settings screen
  • and more.


  • Fantastic plugin for view
  • Fully configurable.


Hashtagger provides you a lot of effective features that you can add tags directly when writing. Optionally all symbols in this WordPress Tags plugin can be removed from the links generated in the front end.

WordPress Tags plugin


  • Add a tag to the current post
  • Creates a link to the profile page
  • Use username to avoid link creation
  • Provide Additional CSS Classes
  • and more.


  • So handy
  • Fantastic plugin
  • Great support.

Posts By Tag

Posts By Tag gives sidebar widgets which can be used to show posts from a particular arrangement of tags in the sidebar. This WordPress Tags plugin will keep down the measure of database questions required for each page load and will subsequently be light on your server.

WordPress Tags plugin


  • Include/Exclude set of tags
  • Option to enable post excerpts
  • Display post thumbnail
  • Specify the target attribute for links
  • Enable Google Analytics tracking
  • and more.


  • Simple and useful
  • Great plugin.


We hope that you can find the most suitable WordPress Tags plugin for your site. Don’t forget to share this list with your friends and take more free WordPress themes!

Thank you for reading! If you have any questions, please leave a comment below or contact us!