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7 Helpful WordPress Code Plugins You Must Get

WordPress Code plugin

Putting custom code to your WordPress topic will not become difficult for you to do. You can keep up the first designing of any code being embedded in WordPress and make your blog significantly all the more engaging to the perusers by following our blog about WordPress Code plugin. Take it a look!

The benefits of installing the WordPress Code Plugin

Using WordPress Code Plugin brings your website plenty of benefits:

  • Convenience: The WordPress Code Plugin makes it easy to add and manage code snippets on a WordPress website, without the need to manually edit the site’s code or use a separate code editor.
  • Collaboration: The plugin allows users to collaborate on code snippets, making it easier for team members to work together on code projects.
  • Customization: The plugin allows users to customize the appearance of code snippets, including the font, color, and layout.

Top WordPress Code Plugin

Woody ad snippets

Woody ads snippets will make it easy for you to show or cover code pieces using the restrictive logical system. This WordPress Code plugin also and store code snippets or copied messages in a distinctive library at the administrator bar of your site.

WordPress Code plugin


  • Insert headers and footers
  • Insert Google Analytic tracking code
  • Show or hide code snippets
  • Save templates of posts
  • Register PHP functions, classes
  • and more.


  • Extremely friendly
  • Effective support
  • Nice plugin.

Header Footer Code Manager

Header Footer Code Manager is a simple interface to insert snippets to the header, footer or anywhere in your page. In addition, it is very flexible because a script can load only on desktops or mobile.

WordPress Code plugin


  • Add an unlimited number of scripts
  • Supports custom post types
  • Ability to load only on a specific post or page
  • Manually place the code anywhere
  • Label every snippet
  • and more.


  • Work great
  • Easy to add snippets
  • Lots of options.

Embed Code

This Create Shortcode WordPress is really easy to use for code embedding. What’s more, you are able to select to insert to the page header or to the page bottom.

WordPress Code plugin


  • Google Analytics tracking code
  • Live chat integration
  • Custom JavaScript
  • Facebook tracking pixel
  • and more.


  • Effective tool
  • Simple to use.


Shortcoder is a WordPress Code plugin which permits to make a custom shortcode and keep HTML, Javascript and different snippet in it. You also add parameters inside the snippets and vary it.

WordPress Code plugin


  • Use any kind of HTML
  • Visual editor for adding shortcode contents
  • Disable the shortcode to admins
  • Globally disable the shortcode
  • and more.


  • Useful shortcode creator
  • Perfect plugin.

Captcha Code

Captcha Code allows you to insert code to prevent spam in WordPress forms. So as to post remarks or register, clients should type in the code appeared on the picture. This keeps spam from computerized bots.

WordPress Code plugin


  • Specify a place to display the captcha
  • Select the letters type
  • Ability to choose the captcha type
  • Translation ready
  • and more.


  • Load fast
  • Work well.

WP Download Codes

WP Download is believed a great plugin to control downloads like ebooks and other digital content with download codes. The number of characters can be specified for each code by creating shortcode WordPress.

WordPress Code plugin


  • Create and manage releases
  • Specify the allowed number of downloads
  • Create alphanumeric download codes
  • Export final download codes in a plain list
  • and more.


  • Helpful plugin
  • Good features.

Code Embed

Code Embed id perfect for any weird HTML things you want to insert that might get messed up by the WordPress formatting. Moreover, it allows you to show the Shopify products using Shopify’s Buy Button sales channel generated embed code.

WordPress Code plugin


  • Add HTML or JavaScript to posts
  • Modify the keywords
  • Search for embedding code
  • Add a simple suffix
  • Embed an external script directly
  • and more.


  • Simple and effective
  • Responsive forms.


We hope you can choose the best WordPress Code plugin for your site. If you find this blog useful, please share it with your friends and get more free WordPress themes.

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