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9+ Useful WordPress Sales Plugins

WordPress Sales plugin

eCommerce is developing in buying of the customer, so it is essential to have a tool that helps you see and control your sales. Therefore, today we will provide a list of useful WordPress Sales plugins. Take it a look!

Why should you use WordPress Sales Plugin?

WordPress is such a great way to build an online store that there is a multitude of WordPress plugins available to help you grow your eCommerce site.
As an online shop owner, and with an abundance of options available to you, you may be interested to know which eCommerce plugin is the best for your WordPress site. Here are the top 3 eCommerce plugins we recommend.

Top WordPress Sales Plugin

Funnel Builder by CartFlows

Funnel Builder is an effective WordPress Sales plugin that allows you to sell products & services. From that, you can increase your business by generating more revenue. It is a great option for your site!

wordpress sales plugin


  • Add a professionally crafted, multistep funnel
  • Conversion tested checkout
  • Guild your new customer on their next steps.
  • Ready to import templates
  • and more.


  • Easy building of sales funnels
  • Nice looking checkout pages
  • Fast and efficient.

Live Sales Notification (Recent Sales Popups)

This WordPress eShop can help you to run the advertising that attracts visitor and make it interesting for them to buy your products. Besides, it is suitable for all size of the business, from a startup company site to a large corporate site.

wordpress sales plugin


  • Auto-sync with store’s sales data
  • Create “fake” sales notifications
  • Customize the color mix for all elements
  • Set up the interval time between 2 notifications
  • Responsive on mobile devices
  • and more.


  • Useful tool
  • Excellent work
  •  Easy to use.

WooCommerce Notification- Boost Your Sales, Recent Sales Popup, Live Feed Sales, Upsells

This plugin works based on WooCommerce plugin, so it is the best way to develop your online business site. WooCommerce Notification shows new requests and prospective customers that other people are buying your products.

wordpress sales plugin


  • Select a time to display orders
  • Create orders for selected categories
  • Select a purchase time randomly
  • Add and configure many messages
  • Provide unlimited colors and skins
  • and more.


  • Great plugin
  • Simple to install
  • Works perfectly.

Beeketing for WooCommerce – Marketing Automation to Boost Sales

Beeketing is known as an All-in-One Marketing Automation stage for eCommerce sites. This WordPress Sales plugin provides many professional features that advance transformation rates,  increase average order value and develop eCommerce sales.

wordpress sales plugin


  • Create a sense of a busy store
  • Add a sales countdown clock
  • Show a coupon popup
  • Allow to add a Buy Now button fixed on top
  • Support a full-screen view
  • and more.


  • Save time
  • Helpful and reliable
  • A powerful marketing tool.

Woo Total Sales

Woo Total Sales create the general condition that enables you to broaden your sale status on the dashboard. This WordPress eShop also shows the number of sales clearly on shop-documents and particular single item page.

wordpress sales plugin


  • Provide monthly sales overview
  • Show/hide total sales option
  • Automatically add the Bar-Chart icon
  • Edit and update the “Total Sales” texts
  • Visible only on the backend
  • and more.


  • Excellent plugin
  • Great support
  • Works perfectly.

Finale – WooCommerce Sales Countdown Timer & Discount Plugin Lite

To get customers’ attention to your products and online page, you should design the promoting campaign. Finale is a great WordPress Sales plugin which you can use to run scheduled sales campaigns and set time for those promotions.

wordpress sales plugin


  • Allow setting dates and time
  • Set up stunning countdown timers
  • Make your rules to customize campaigns
  • Create seasonal offers scheduled
  • and more.


  • Amazing support
  • Easy and quick to set up
  • Great to add extra content.

TaxJar – Sales Tax Automation for WooCommerce

TaxJar support you to calculate the taxes in selling quickly. Moreover, TaxJar will handle your sales tax filings for you and it can be automatically submitted your returns to the state.

wordpress sales plugin


  • Maintains more than 10,000 tax rates
  • Prepare and file sales tax returns
  • View your sales and sales tax
  • Provide sales tax calculations worldwide
  • and more.


  • Good system
  • Time-saving
  • Great plugin to manage sales.

WooCommerce Boost Sales

Woo Boost Sales is a useful WordPress Sales plugin for you to increase your revenue of product selling. It will animate the buy of clients with the items upsell, bundles product. From that, your revenue as well as profitability for your website, stores will increase.

wordpress sales plugin


  • Display popup related products
  • Show combo, product group
  • Enable or disable cross-sells products
  • Customize button checkout
  • Allow hiding up-sells products
  • and more.


  • Work well
  • Helpful features.

Salert – Fake Sales Notification for WooCommerce

Salert is considered a plugin for sales notification to the clients. It additionally has a lot of highlights to produce unreal notice to attract your guests. Also, this is a viable advertising apparatus intended to build the change of site guests into clients.

wordpress sales plugin


  • Create fake sales notification
  • Define position on the screen
  • Ability to live preview changes
  • Offer typography and animation options
  • Automatical translation
  • and more.


  • Usefully and simple plugin
  • Easy to work
  • Lightweight coding.


We want to share with you the list of WordPress Sales plugins that will be useful for business. If you find it interesting, don’t forget to share it with your friends! You also take a more beautiful free WordPress theme!

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