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List Helpful WordPress Language Plugins You Should Have

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Sometimes, your site will not show the contents with the other languages of different nations. Therefore, we want to help you solve this issue quickly if you use one of the tools in this WordPress Language plugin list. Read it now!

Why should you use the WordPress Language Plugin?

Here are just a few of the benefits of Language Plugin:

  • You Can Reach a Bigger Audience
  • It Can Improve Conversion Rates
  • It Gets You Ahead of the Competition
  • It Improves Your SEO Credentials
  • Personalization and Localization Improves Customer Experience
  • It Boosts Your Brand Image

Top WordPress Language Plugin

Polylang Connect for Elementor – Language Switcher & Template Tweaks

Polylang Connect for Elementor will make Elementor and Polylang demonstrate the right language layouts, particularly with Elementor Pro Theme Builder. Moreover, it permits Polylang to demonstrate the right Elementor layout to be shown toward the front.

wordpress language plugin


  • Provide language switcher widget
  • Add admin settings links
  • Allow plus support resources
  • Multi-language support
  • and more.


  • Really useful
  • Outstanding support
  • Super efficient plugin.

Multilanguage by BestWebSoft

This WordPress Multilingual plugin is an incredible method to make an interpretation of your WordPress site to different languages. It also supports to add made an interpretation of substance to pages, posts, gadgets, menus, custom post types, scientific classifications, etc.

wordpress language plugin


  • Manually translate pages, posts
  • 80+ pre-installed languages
  • Choose the default language
  • Change display order
  • Multiple language switcher layouts
  • and more.


  • Great Application
  • Easy to set up.

WP GeSHi Highlight

In this WordPress Language plugin, if you like to tweak the default style: you can provide your own CSS file. In addition, WP-GeSHi-Highlight works as a drop-in replacement for WP-Syntax, which does not seem to be maintained anymore

wordpress language plugin


  • Support for 257 languages.
  • Near-zero additional load on the backend
  • Available line numbering
  • Well-documented source code
  • More than 20 themes for define style
  • and more.


  • Excellent syntax highlighter
  • Simple and powerful
  • Reliable tool.


Sublanguage is a multilanguage plugin for WordPress. With the professional highlights, you can design and develop your language system easily. For example, you are able to translate posts and terms permalinks and child pages path with URL rewrite.

wordpress language plugin


  • Support for Gutenberg
  • UI Translation for posts content, title, permalink
  • Translate slug, description, and meta
  • Support multisite
  • and more.


  • Simple to use
  • Time-saving.

Language Switcher

Language Switcher enables you to outline of elective dialects for Post Types and Taxonomies. Also, this WordPress Multilingual plugin allows you to channel document pages by language.

wordpress language plugin


  • Give map internal or external URLs
  • Add the main language selector to post types
  • Filter items by language in the main WP
  • Add the language switcher anywhere with the shortcode
  • and more.


  • Work fine.

Quran multilanguage Text & Audio

This WordPress Language plugin helps you to provide many languages in text and audio conveniently. It will provide a lot of helpful features so that you can translate any language you need.wordpress language plugin


  • Translate into 29 languages
  • Fully customizable from the admin area
  • Support multi recitation
  • Add an area for personal CSS
  • and more.


  • Good development
  • Great plugin.


We hope you can choose the most suitable WordPress Language plugin for your site. Remember to share this blog with your friends and get a more beautiful free WordPress theme!

Thank you for reading! If you have any questions, please leave a comment below or contact us!