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Top 7 Best WordPress Related Posts Plugins

wordpress related posts plugin

Increase page views with WordPress Related Posts Plugin!

How is WordPress Related Posts Plugin vital?

It’s common that visitors normally leave our site immediately right after the first post. But how could we retain them and draw their attention to other posts on our site? Since WordPress Related Posts Plugin has been made for this reason. Linking relevant posts to an entry have never been that easy with these plugins. It also helps increase the number of page views as well as lessen the bounce rate so that you can improve your SEO performance significantly. Let’s find out the best-related posts plugin for WordPress in 2019 right now!

Let’s discover Top WordPress Related Posts Plugin

Yet Another Related Posts Plugin (YARPP)

It could be said that Yet Another Related Posts Plugin (YARPP) is one of the best related posts plugin recently. Providing great functions of relating posts, pages or custom post types to the entry that your visitors are reading, it will be an excellent method to keep them continue to read other content related to the topic they are interested in on your website.


  • Ability to display list view or thumbnail of related posts
  • Templating system to manage how content are showed
  • Use algorithm for post content, title, categories, tags, etc.
  • Custom display options to show related content in RSS feeds


  • Easy to use
  • Consistent quality and stable functionality
  • Come up with accurate recommendations

Contextual Related Posts

Contextual Related Posts is an ideal WordPress Related Posts Plugins which helps you create a list of related posts depending on different factors such as title or content. It could also be an efficient way to increase considerable page views for your website by attracting readers to browse deeply into your posts and even the old entries could be refreshed to get more views.


  • Automatically display related posts after activated
  • Options to add related posts to widget area
  • Insert shortcode at any position in post content
  • Post thumbnails supported
  • CSS classes to style the list.


  • Excellent customer support
  • Has extensive customisation capabilities through filter hooks
  • Easy to use.

Related Posts Thumbnails Plugin for WordPress

Related Posts Thumbnails Plugin for WordPress lets you show related posts as thumbnail beneath your posts . It gives you numerous options to customize posts thumbnail such as size and type of relation. The plugin works great with the role in keeping readers engaged and improve bounce rate effectively.


  • Relate posts by tags, categories or custom taxonomies
  • Ability to select page/post type and categories
  • Shortcode available in sidebar widget.


  • Super simple to configure
  • Easy to edit designs.

Related Posts for WordPress

With more than 50000 installations, Related Posts for WordPress has been assumed to be one of the fastest and easiest plugin for linking relevant posts to existing content. By just one click, it will finish all the work for you. All you have to do is select the number of posts to relate.


  • Wizard to analyze and link post automatically
  • Create cache to keep sites fast
  • Allow manually customize incorrect related posts
  • Add shortcode at any position in content to show related posts
  • Widget allowed to display related posts in sidebar.


  • Lightweight
  • Well-designed
  • Easy-to-customize CSS style feature.

Related Posts by Taxonomy

If you are looking for a lightweight WordPress Related Posts Plugin, Related Posts by Taxonomy is definitely made for you. You can display related posts either after posts or in a sidebar. It provides lots of option to choose how they are showed such as thumbnails, links or excerpts.


  • Shortcode and widget supported
  • Small Footprint available
  • Identify related posts by post types and taxonomies
  • Automatically display related posts
  • Ability to use self-designed HTML templates.


  • Fast, lightweight, and efficient
  • Plenty of parameters to set up
  • Provide a good selection of related article
  • Top-notch support.

Inline Related Posts

Another amazing WordPress Related Posts Plugin that we highly recommend to you is Inline Related Posts. A feature that makes this plugin different from the others is that it shows related posts inside your entries. A user have said that after using this plugin, there was an increase of 99% in page views on his website so there is no reason not to try it.


  • Insert related boxes inside the text content
  • Line breaks identified automatically
  • Add several boxes in posts automatically
  • Provide more than 20 styling options including colors, theme and hover.


  • A wide variety of custom colors, opacity, etc.
  • No need to allow the usage data collection
  • Superb support
  • Easy to set up and customize.

Custom Related Posts

And the last one we would like to mention in this list is Custom Related Posts. It would be suitable for those who don’t wish to automate everything since it has been considered as the best related posts plugin for manually linking items to the post.


  • Handpick related posts to any custom post type
  • Option to link posts in one way or both way
  • Option to include feature images in different sizes
  • Use shortcode, block or widget to display related posts.


  • Excellent support
  • Run with minimal configuration
  • Flexible and easy to use.

Wrap Up

This is the end of our collection of the seven best related posts plugins for WordPress. We would be delighted if you could find the right one that meets your demand. Please share it with your friends and if you are in need of themes for your sites, let’s take a look at our free WordPress theme !

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