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Top 8 Must have Woocommerce Inventory Management Plugins

wordpress inventory management plugin

If you take a lot of time to manage store inventory, don’t miss our blog. In this blog, we will provide you with a list of top-notch Woocommerce inventory management plugins that will help you simplify the process of managing your store.

The benefits of using Woocommerce Inventory Management Plugins

The WooCommerce Inventory Management plugin provides a comparison tool that helps you to make the best choice when deciding which e-commerce platform to build your business on. You will save time here, and make sure you opt for the most advantageous offers tailored to your requirements. The top wonderful Inventory Management plugin we list below are intuitive and will allow you to set up your store in no time.

Top 8 Necessary Woocommerce Inventory Management Plugins

ATUM Inventory Management for WooCommerce

TUM Inventory Management for WooCommerce

Firstly, I would like to recommend for you the ATUM Action Logs Premium Add-on helps to get rid of any changes occurring in your shop has never been easier. ATUM Dashboard also provides a completely new system and we have felt a necessary connection between creators and users.

Provided Features:

  • Image thumbnails for easier identification of your WooCommerce Inventory.
  • Suppliers column and fully filtered product list by Supplier name.
  • Quickly edit the Product Price and Product Sale Price
  • Easy page reloads without losing filters.
  • And more


  • Intelligent & convenient
  • Time-saving

Ni One Page Inventory Management System For WooCommerce

Ni One Page Inventory Management System For WooCommerce

Secondly, the Ni One Page Inventory Management System For WooCommerce is a great plugin we want to offer for you. It provides the ability to place the purchase order from various locations, builds multiple locations and makes the purchase order base on location. Besides, this plug-in provides the option of increasing or growing the amount of stock without going to the individual product.

Provided Features:

  • Manage purchase order
  • Provide option to create product supplier and edit the product information
  • Create multiple locations
  • Maintain purchase history
  • Show simple product and variation product in the list
  • Filter product by product name, SKU, stock status
  • And more


  • Effective
  • Useful

Woocommerce Multi WarehousesWoocommerce Multi Warehouses

Thirdly, thanks to the Woocommerce Multi Warehouses, you or your client can choose the availability and price of a commodity depending on a warehouse location. In addition, it allows you to set your default currency and payment gateway according to each warehouse without the need to manage and install several WordPress sites.

Provided Features:

  • Keep your website’s inventory in-sync across all locations/warehouses
  • Set additional location-based warehouses for special retail events.
  • Offer site visitors prices in local currency. Get paid in local currency.
  • Give your site visitors inventory availability in other warehouse locations.


  • Quick
  • Great support

Booking and Rental System (Woocommerce)

Booking and Rental System

This powerful plugin enables you to sell your time or date based bookings. It’s user-friendly booking 
plugin developed by woocommerce implementation. For anyone wishing to sell rental, booking, or real 
state agencies or facilities, this is great option.

Provided Features:

  • Manage Booking Cost Easily
  • Booking Availability from Backend
  • Adding unlimited product attributes
  • Drag & Drop Functionality for attributes and features
  • Apply Coupon code / Discount Code of Woocommerce
  • And more


  • Rich
  • Perfect option

Veeqo for WooCommerce

Veeqo for WooCommerce

Another one you have to try is Woocommerce’s Veequo. It helps a lot to see and control all of your WooCommerce and other stores in one spot, such as Amazon, eBay, Shopify and more. In addition, it has another wonderful function is to create beautiful custom printing invoices for your WooCommerce stores and print them immediately upon fulfilling orders.

Provided Features:

  • Create returns, record the reason, update stock and issue refunds – all from one platform.
  • Give support, warehouse and finance teams a single view every step of the way
  • Handle full or partial returns and process full or partial WooCommerce refunds.


  • Fully responsive
  • Useful

Akaunting for WooCommerce

Akaunting for WooCommerce

Akaunting for WooCommerce is another module that can bring you an extraordinary experience. This is an online accounting platform that has all the resources you need, from billing to cost monitoring to accounting, to manage your money.

Provided Features:

  • Customer Management
  • Vendor Management
  • Inventory Management
  • Easy Invoicing
  • Billable Expenses
  • And more


  • Multiple options
  • Easy and simple to use

Point of Sale POS for WooCommerce

Point of Sale POS for WooCommerce

The WooCommerce e-commerce toolkit’s Point of Sale (POS) plugin is the ideal plugin for you. Using your physical store location’s point of sale to save hours of inventory coordination and make it easy to deliver your items, receive payments and run reports for both online and local sales.

Provided Features:

  • Connect to your online order store to sync orders, inventory, and other details.
  • Add customer details from the POS
  • Apply discounts from the POS
  • Add products manually or with a barcode scanner
  • Switch between currencies
  • And more


  • Great support
  • Effective

WooCommerce Multichannel Integration by ChannelUnity

wordpress inventory management plugin

The last module I want to recommend for you is WooCommerce Multichannel Integration by ChannelUnity. ChannelUnity turns your WooCommerce store into a strong sales and inventory management device for multichannel sales.
In addition, it automates the management of the listings of goods on more than 30 online markets worldwide, including Amazon, eBay, Walmart, NewEgg and Wayfair.

Provided Features:

  • Connect up existing marketplace listings and active items in WooCommerce.
  • Supports Parent and Child/Variation products.
  • List on 30+ marketplaces worldwide.
  • Amazon Competitive Automatic Repricing included as standard.
  • Shipping an order in WooCommerce automatically notifies the marketplace.
  • And more


  • Easy to configure
  • Modern, Responsive design

Wrap Up

All in all, we have just recommended top 10 Wonderful Woocommerce Inventory Management Plugins In 2022. So, we hope that list of mentioned plugins will help you manage tons of your products effectively. If you want to know about other plugins, let’s leave a comment below. We will support you as soon as possible.

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