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Top 5 Best WordPress Workflow Plugin To Monitor Your Working Process

If you are busy with control projects at the same time, it means that you have to conduct different tasks simultaneously including planning discipline to follow procedures, organization, and much more. These tasks actually consume much time and energy. For this reason, in today’s article, we will list the top best WordPress Workflow Plugin to manage your projects effectively.

Why should you choose WordPress Workflow Plugin?

It is easy to reply to this question because WordPress Workflow Plugin not only helps you be responsible for multiple roles on your websites but also assists you to optimize your valuable content to get a better result for your website. And there are a variety of powerful features that are waiting for you to explore. Let’s start.

Top Excellent WordPress Workflow Plugin

Oasis Workflow

Oasis Workflow

Oasis Workflow is one of the best useful plugins that you are looking for. The excellent tool comes with powerful features so that it is able to help you to manage your content review and publication process effectively. In addition, it allows you to control all changed activities on your website such as what was changed, who made the change, and much more. Moreover, thanks to role-based routing, you can ensure that your process develops successfully without effort.


  • Configure your workflow using our easy drag and drop designer interface
  • Define custom statuses for your editorial workflow
  • The process history also captures the comments added by the user during task sign off
  • Use the re-assign feature to pass the task to another person
  • Use workflow to edit your published content while keeping the published article online
  • And much more


  • Many powerful features
  • Translation ready
  • Work effective

Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO

If your website has a low ranking on Google search results, you shouldn’t ignore this plugin. Yoast SEO is considered one of the most efficient tools that helps millions of customers improve their website ranking. This tool allows you to add title and meta description templating for better branding as well as high results. Moreover, it also reminds you to fix mistakes on your valuable content to get rich results.


  • Automated technical SEO improvements, like canonical URLs and meta tags
  • Advanced XML sitemaps; making it easy for Google to understand your site structure
  • Title and meta description templating, for better branding and consistent snippets in the search results
  • An in-depth integration that will increase your chance of getting rich results, by helping search engines to understand your content
  • Full control over site breadcrumbs, so that users and search engines always know where they are


  • Top useful plugin
  • Excellent performance
  • Integrates seamlessly into other themes and plugins



Jetpack is developed by many professional experts, so you can completely ensure that this plugin helps you grow your traffic. In addition, it also offers a simple WordPress site security consisting of back up your site automatically and restores in real-time. Moreover, this perfect tool protects your website from a variety of force attacks.


  • Back up your site automatically in real-time and restore to any point with one click
  • Easily duplicate, clone, or migrate your site whether you want to create a staging site or move to a new host
  • Automatic scan for malware and other code threats
  • Block spam comments and form responses with anti-spam features powered by Akismet
  • Brute force attack protection to protect your WordPress login page from attacks
  • Monitor your site uptime/downtime and get an instant alert of any change by email
  • And much more


  • Updated monthly
  • Fully compatible with v2.0 of the official AMP plugin
  • Quickly customize



With the support of CoSchedule, you are able to manage your marketing effectively. It has been trusted and installed by millions of customers over the world. This great tool helps you stay focused and manage your projects’ process on time. Moreover, using this plugin is the best solution that helps your team create new ideas, plans, and much more.


  • Create a unified workflow for every project inside the calendar for content, social, email, events, and more
  • Helps your team ideate, plan, create, and publish in one place
  • Create custom statuses to describe the unique stages of your team’s workflows and visualize the entire process in a Kanban board
  • Visualize your entire social strategy in one place, from publishing to measurement
  • Gives teams access to the resources and brand assets


  • Nice tool
  • Great support
  • Diverse features

User Role Editor

User Role Editor

As the name of this plugin, User Role Editor enables you to change user roles easily. In addition. you have the capability to insert new roles and modify it according to your purposes. Especially, by using this plugin, multiple roles could be assigned to users at the same time.


  • Allows you to change user roles and capabilities easily.
  • Add to the selected role and click “Update” button to save your changes
  • Add new roles and customize its capabilities according to your needs
  • Multiple roles could be assigned to user simultaneously.
  • And much more


  • Multiple roles
  • Work effectively


We hope that this post will bring you some useful solutions to deal with your problems. If you enjoy this article, don’t hesitate to leave a comment below. Our team will support you anytime. We also provide many delightful themes at our free WordPress Themes, let’s visit and update them for your website. Thanks for reading.