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List of Best WordPress Permalink Plugins

Permalinks Customizer _

If you are looking for a tool to support you to set permalink structure effectively, let’s explore this blog!

Why should you use WordPress Permalink Plugin?

You will be able to set the permalink structure much more easily if you use a suitable plugin. Understanding your need, in our collection today, we provide you a list of the top best WordPress Permalink Plugin that helps you do this task quickly. Let’s take a look and select the most powerful WordPress Permalink Plugin to set the permalink structure in the custom post type!

Top WordPress Permalink Plugins

Permalink Manager Lite

Permalink Manager Lite _

This Permalinks WordPress is one of the most popular permalink plugin. This allows you to manage the URL addresses of all your pages. Besides, you can also disable the canonical redirect and manage the trailing slashes settings to improve SEO performance.

Provided features:

  • Bulk editors
  • Auto-redirect
  • Canonical redirects
  • Translate permalinks
  • Edit full permalinks
  • Custom post types support
  • Trailing slashes settings


  • Amazing customer support
  • Simple and clear
  • Nice user interface

Custom Post Type Permalinks

Custom Post Type Permalinks _

This WordPress Permalink Plugin enables you to set the permalink construction in the custom post type.

Provided features:

  •  Edit the permalink structure
  • Html extensions for custom post
  • Work great
  • Translation ready


  • Multi-site compatible
  • Time-saver
  • Nice utility

Permalink Finder Plugin

Permalink Finder Plugin _

This WordPress Permalink Plugin allows you to choose the way that this plugin finds out a missing page and then it will count the amount of words that links to a post. After having enough two word match, it will cause a redirect to a found page. Because this plugin also keeps track of the last few 404’s or redirects, it is helpful to find the page tht is missing.

Provided features:

  • Keep track of the last few 404’s
  • See the 301 redirect
  • Update databases
  • Select how the plugin finds a missing page.
  • Removes words like “the” and “a” from the permalink
  • And more


  • Good application
  • Simple and awesome
  • Amazingly Smooth

WP Category Permalink

WP Category Permalink _

This Permalink WordPress enables you to choose a main category for your post. Moreover, this also allows you to collect the list of your choice from “post Edit” page and this list will display on the ‘Posts List’ and the ‘Post Edit’ page.

Provided features:

  • Work with any theme or plugin
  • Work for standard setups
  • Create post types and taxonomies
  • And more


  • Friendly support
  • Great and simple
  • Optimized and adapted

Permalinks Customizer

Permalinks Customizer _

This plugin provides you a good way to set the different permalink structure for your different published post types. Moreover, you are able to use the tags that are explained by this plugin.

Provided features:

  • Custom tags for post types
  • Default tags for post types
  • Structure tags
  • Exclude permalinks
  • Show relative permalink/URL
  • Exclude post types from the plugin
  • Bug reports


  • Must-have tool
  • Simple and effective
  • customized permalink

Simple Post Type Permalinks

Simple Post Type Permalinks _

This WordPress Permalink Plugin provides you a perfect tool to edit the permalink structure of custom post easily.

Provided features:

  • PHP version 5.3
  • Screw up all of my navigation links
  • Edit the permalink structure


  • Incredible
  • Easy to use

WP Better Permalinks

WP Better Permalinks _

This Plugin helps you to do anything automatically without needing any additional code. You can set your own permalink structure easily and quickly. Thank to changing title and automatic 301 redirects for old links, your site will always have correct links and avoid 404 errors.

Provided features:

  •  Auto update of post slug after changing title
  • Automatic 301 redirects for old links
  • Friendly permalinks structure pattern
  • Default permalinks structure


  • Responsive developer
  • Easy to set up
  • Simple and work effectively


We hope that this collection is useful for you. If you have any question about this post, don’t hesitate to leave a comment below. And don’t forget to share with your friends if you find it useful! You can also have more free WordPress theme to help you edit your permalink structure.

Thanks for your reading!