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Top 11 Excellent WordPress Filter Plugins

wordpress filter plugin

Today, in this collection we provide you top best WordPress Filter Plugin including a clear description, provided features, and highlights so that you can get the best one. By using such kind of plugin, you can get a great tool that allows your users to search and filter your products or posts in an easy way. Thanks to it, you can enhance their experience effectively. Now, let’s refer to our blog and make your decision!

Why should you try WordPress Filter Plugin?

To help your website’s visitors save much time once they want to find something on your website, adding a filter feature is a great idea to improve the user experience on your website. Moreover, it also encourages your website’s visitors to discover your website and keep them viewing your website longer

However, there is a wide range of WordPress filter plugins in the market. So, which is the best one for your website? In today’s blog, we will answer this question by providing you with a list of top-notch WordPress filter plugins that come with plenty of advanced features. It’s time to explore and find your favorite one.

Let’s see Top WordPress Filter Plugins

Search & Filter

Search and Filter

Search & Filter enables you to channel by tag, custom predictable solicitation, post types, post dates in like manner as a social affair. In addition, this WordPress Filter Plugin other than gives you an ability to clear your requesting box and a short period of time later use it as a confining structure for your posts and page. Through this module, you can in like way make a similar number of fields and evident requesting structures subject to your site.

Provided features:

  • Mentioning Results Field
  • Smoothed out article chief
  • Use custom arrangements
  • Search Custom Fields, Post Meta, Authors
  • Use AJAX to show results
  • Search Post-Meta/Custom Fields
  • jQuery go slider, date pickers
  • Auto-complete combo boxes
  • Make a similar number of fields and explicit requesting structures
  • Moreover, anything is possible beginning there


  • Essential and fitting
  • Staggering convenience
  • Staggering module


JetSmartFilters is a powerful WordPress plugin designed to enhance the filtering functionality of websites, offering users a seamless and intuitive experience when searching for content. With its comprehensive set of features and customizable options, JetSmartFilters allows website owners to create dynamic filterable grids, lists, and masonry layouts effortlessly.

Provided features:

  • Gutenberg & Elementor friendly
  • Use indexer for relevant search results
  • 17 filtering blocks
  • Advanced filtering options
  • Filter bar designs
  • Dynamic filtering
  • Pagination, date period, and apply button blocks


  • Easy to use
  • Effective
  • Nice support

Dave’s WordPress Live Search

Dave's WordPress Live Search

By using Dave’s WordPress Live Search , you can implant “live interest” convenience into your WordPress site with no issue. In like manner, this module also gives you an ability to look and channel successfully as you type. You can similarly present this module constantly and use it enough.

Provided features:

  • Incorporate “live chase” value
  • Impeccable with the xLanguage and WPML


  • Fantastic
  • No issues as of not long ago
  • Amazing module

Better Search

Better Search

Here is an unbelievable module in case you are finding a channel module. Because of using Better Search, you can expand the module’s features set very quickly. In addition, in the wake of investigating, your recorded records will be planned by imperativeness in a balanced way and sometime later you can in like manner execute the vitality subject to your looking.

Provided features:

  • Recklessness channel
  • Mentioned records are along these lines arranged by congruity
  • Reliable blend
  • Normally displace your default WordPress search
  • Control the results
  • Supports save modules
  • Furthermore, that is only the start


  • Fundamentally remarkable
  • Overwhelming module
  • Wonderful

Relevanssi – A Better Search


Relevanssi is a great plugin including a lot of features as well as configurable options. By using this plugin, your search results can be filtered in the order of relevance. This WordPress Filter Plugin also provides you two options to find documents matching by one search term or all words to appear.

Provided features:

  • Search results sorted in the order of relevance
  • Fuzzy matching
  • Search for phrases with quotes
  • Search comments, tags, categories and custom fields
  • Multisite friendly
  • bbPress support
  • Create custom excerpts
  • Highlight search terms in the documents


  • 100% recommend
  • Excellent
  • Fantastic plugin

Swiftype Site Search Plugin for WordPress

Swiftype Site Search Plugin for WordPress

This WordPress Plugin gives you a capacity to get authorization to noteworthy pursue bits of data likewise as every mechanical gathering that you need. In addition, Swiftype Site Search Plugin for WordPress also empowers you to address things synchronize in a tweaked manner on the off chance that you spare, evacuate, or change your WP content.

Provided features:

  • Completely directed
  • No programming required
  • Out of the compartment importance
  • Altered Updating
  • Instinctive Dashboard
  • Noteworthy Insights
  • Pick Your Language


  • Dynamic module
  • Work consummately
  • Like a fantasy

WordPress Meta Data and Taxonomies Filter (MDTF)

WordPress Meta Data and Taxonomies Filter

Here is a staggering module that engages you to cause the substance of your site to be filterable similarly as open by meta fields and logical characterizations at the same time. Additionally, with WordPress Meta Data and Taxonomies Filter, your customers can channel your posts, custom sorts, and pages through the meta fields and logical characterizations.

Provided features:

  • Auto submit decision
  • Making SEARCH/FILTER shortcodes by the constructor
  • Channel posts and custom post types by meta fields
  • Logical characterizations terms regard dynamic depict
  • Constructor of sort-sheets
  • Channel posts and custom post types by logical arrangements
  • Worked in the meta-fields data constructor
  • Size for any drop-down on the other hand


  • Amazing
  • A flat out need have
  • Significantly configurable

Beautiful taxonomy filters

Beautiful taxonomy filters

Beautiful taxonomy filters give your customers a filtering elective for your post types. By using it, you can implant isolating choices according to names, depictions and genuine course of action terms. In like way, because of using this module, you can approve filtering on any open custom post type which was picked.

Provided features:

  • Many filters and exercises for changing the module’s prompt
  • Three decisions for putting the channel modules
  • Polylang unbelievable
  • Show your visitors information about their current one of a kind disconnecting
  • Multisite exceptional
  • Contemplates custom GET parameters to be joined
  • Goes with a firm utilitarian channel module
  • Plus, that is only the start


  • Staggering module
  • Quick and faltering
  • Unimaginable work

Advanced AJAX Product Filters

Advanced AJAX Product Filters

This module enables you to install a specialist thing separating limit regarding your shop. Advanced AJAX Product Filters allows you to show channels on any pages and you can in like manner spread channels on tablets, work territories, or mobiles subject to our need. Likewise, this module other than requests that you channel your site by marks.

Provided features:

  • Show channels on any pages
  • Condition to pick pages where channels/packs must be appeared
  • Decision to cover channels on versatile, tablet or work locale
  • Channel by Product Tags
  • Better work with groupings
  • Unmistakable leveled class tree
  • Covering up and picture kind of channels
  • Site improvement Title, Description and Header with included channels


  • Amazingly basic
  • Easy to procedure
  • Fundamental

Plugin Load Filter

Plugin Load Filter

Plugin Load Filter allows you to deactivate unessential modules for each post and page. On account of separating the organization module, you can revive your WordPress site adequately. This module moreover combines strengthen URL Filter for Expert, Support Jetpack Modules sifting, etc.

Provided features:

  • Fortify Post Format type
  • Deactivate minor modules
  • Fortify Custom Post type
  • See the modules for blog and Web applications
  • Sponsorship Jetpack Modules separating


  • Amazing
  • Extraordinarily strong
  • Inconceivable module

Taxonomy filter

wordpress filter plugin

Taxonomy filter associates with your customers to channel differing leveled term authentic blueprints inside your main pages. In like manner, this module furthermore joins an only info field so you can channel each canny course of action list logically. Additionally, if your rational depiction is unfilled, you can cover the channel field.

Provided features:

  • Veil the channel field if the steady strategy is empty
  • Direct shrewd depiction channels into mass change a zone
  • Join an unbelievable input field
  • Channel various leveled term predictable groupings inside administrator pages
  • Engage on post-the administrators pages


  • Splendid module
  • Vacillating
  • Awe-inspiring


WordPress Filter Plugin is a necessary tool that can allow your users to filter your products easily. Let’s leave a comment below if you have any questions! Moreover, don’t forget to share this article with your friends if you find it useful.

Besides, you can also go to free WordPress themes to explore dozen of stunning designs that are compatible with different plugins.