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6+ Useful WordPress Custom Post Type Plugins

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Are you seeking the most excellent WordPress Custom Post Type Plugin for your website? Don’t look further, our blog is the right place for you. In today’s collection, we will provide you with a list of top-notch WordPress Custom Post Type Plugins that will help you create and organize your content more effectively as well as give you full control to manage different post types. Now, let’s dive into our blog.

Why should you use WordPress Custom Post Type Plugins?

Besides the available WordPress post type, musicians may need some special post type to arrange their “album”, and “songs” and restaurant owners need “dishes”, and “menu” post types. There is some specific case in which a blog/site need to manage some custom type of tags, and categories. So, a WordPress custom post type (CPT) plugin is the best choice for you to turn your site into a unique and smart look. So let’s take a glance at our WordPress custom post type plugins list and choose for you the best one!

Top WordPress Custom Post-Type Plugins

Custom Post Type Maker

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Firstly, an amazing module empowers you to make your custom sort of substance and scientific classification – Custom Post Type Maker. This module is a fantastic right hand for you to make a great site and control reasonably your substance.

Provides Features:

  • Make custom post type and custom shrewd course of action
  • Intergrated with WordPress API
  • Give cutoff purposes of WordPress CPT API
  • Show once-over of all chose custom reliable blueprints
  • Enable custom post type picture


  • Simple to utilize interface
  • No coding limits required

JetEngine – WordPress Custom Post Type

JetEngine is a powerful WordPress plugin that enhances the functionality and flexibility of custom post types, enabling users to create and manage dynamic content on their websites with ease. With JetEngine, users can effortlessly design and implement custom post types, taxonomies, and meta fields, tailoring their website’s content structure to suit their specific needs. It also provides advanced filtering and sorting options, enabling visitors to search and browse through the custom content efficiently.

Provided features:

  • Generate custom post types for your WordPress website, with custom fields and taxonomies
  • Add custom fields to your post types, including text, image, video, and more. You can also set validation rules for each field to ensure data consistency
  • Create custom forms that allow users to submit content directly from the front-end of your website


  • Simple and easy to set up and manage
  • Flexible
  • Effective


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Pods is one of the most notable WordPress custom post type modules. It engages tou to make and manage your custom kind of substance in a major way. Also, you can make influenced sorts (like post, page, wise strategy, class, customer, etc.), change setting pages, and so on.

Provides Features:

  • Create custom substance types
  • Make and custom setting pages
  • Make joins interfacing custom post types
  • Show your fields wherever
  • In like manner, that is just a concise glance at something greater


  • Diverse optional field types
  • Easy to use
  • Welcoming look

Custom Post Type UI

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An astonishing WordPress custom post type module is Custom Post Type UI. This module empowers you handle your custom real approaches adequately in light of its sensible interface. It is free, acclaimed, and has 700000+ astonishing foundation.

Provides Features:

  • Make likewise as change your custom substance type
  • Advanced checking for custom post type
  • Cost your custom post type
  • Join worked in the intelligible solicitations


  • Momentous assistance
  • Graphical interface

WCK Custom Post Types and Custom Fields Creator

WCK Custom Post Types and Custom Fields Creator alows you to make your own custom post type. With well disposed and driving interface, you can without a totally critical stretch handle your custom depiction.

Provides Features:

  • Manage your custom kind
  • Gives contrasting field types (Radio, number, checkbox, phone, HTML, and so forth)
  • Ability to make repeater fields and get-togethers
  • Interface between post types and reasonable groupings
  • In like manner, that is only the start


  • No code required
  • Common look
  • Through and through respected

Portfolio Post Type

Portfolio Post Type is a standard choice to make a custom post type for your portfolio. Indeed, you can use this module to make any custom kind, and portfolio things are just one of them. In like way, Portfolio Post Type is a cool module if you have to join your porfolios.

Provides Features:

  • Register portfolio smart solicitation
  • Show remember pictures for the part observe
  • Remarkable with Visual Page Builder
  • Portfolio post type director
  • Decision versatile portfolio


  • Convincing module
  • Central yet amazing


To include, each plugin has its own strengths. If you find it difficult to choose the best one, you can check their features, configurations, and pricing plans to pick out a suitable solution. Moreover, don’t forget to share with us your point of view about this blog. If it is useful, you can share it with your friends.

Last but not least, changing your website’s appearance is also a great way to make it more attractive. Hence, we provide you with a collection of stunning, free WordPress Themes that will help you create a new look for your website.