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List of 10 WordPress Currency Converter Plugins

WordPress Currency Converter Plugin

Do you want to display prices in different currencies on your WordPress site?

By using WordPress Currency Converter Plugins, you are able to allow your customers to view the price of your products/services in their own currency. Thanks to that, your customers easily make a purchase and get a better user experience on your website. In today’s blog, we will provide you with the top 10 recommended WordPress Currency Converter Plugins that will not let you down.

Why should you try WordPress Currency Converter Plugin?

Are you finding a plugin to help you exchange currencies on your WP site? This plugin is for you. Today, we help you pick up some awesome WordPress Currency Converter plugins that you can use for the conversion of currencies online. We include a clear description, provided features, and highlights for each of them to make sure you can get the best one easily. Let’s start now and download the most suitable plugin!

Top WordPress Currency Converter Plugins

Currency Converter Widget 

Let’s start with the Currency Converter Widget plugin! It enables you to show the money change scale in the sidebar. In addition, you can in like way set the acclaimed cash sets, for example, USD or EUR. By using some sensible shortcode, you can show this contraption at any place that you need.

Provided features:

  • Set regularly used money sets
  • Show the trading scale
  • Stay away from the Exchange Rate Widget sidebar without a doubt
  • Modify its visual parts from text to establishment


  • Simple to use
  • Astounding module
  • Works Smoothly

Currency Converter Calculator

WordPress Currency Converter Plugin

Currency Converter Calculator incorporates money related assessments unit of more than 195 countries around the world. This module can attract you to reestablish the change standard in a modified way. Also, you are in like route masterminded to use an iframe on your site with a working task open.

Provided features:

  • 195+ money related principles
  • Updates along these lines
  • Responsive structure
  • Striking electronic sorts of cash
  • Use on any page through shortcodes
  • Multi-vernaculars and SSL support


  • Easy to use
  • Consistent contraption

Open Currency Converter

Open Currency Converter Plugin joins in excess of 170 money rates. By utilizing it, you can pick the information supplier correspondingly as manufacture your custom contraptions. Furthermore, through explicit contraptions, it awards you to show the exchanging scale at wherever on your site.

Provided features:

  • More than 170 financial standards kept up
  • Decreasing assets and improving reaction
  • Control how results are yield
  • Depict defaults and to see current trade rates
  • Installing sincerely into your posts and pages
  • A PHP work


  • Direct settings and use
  • Easy to set-up
  • Work mind blowing


This module has in excess of 170 money rates. What’s more, it correspondingly gets obliging API along with the objective that you can make your custom devices and show the change scale at any place on your site. The data of the money rate is reestablished along these lines reliably.

Provided features:

  • More than 170+ money rates
  • Various settings for tweaking
  • Make your custom devices
  • Show exchange rates wherever on objectives
  • Select the data provider
  • No additional load to your site


  • Present-day structure
  • Astounding Plugin
  • Fits each jazzy site

CBX Currency Converter

CBX Currency Converter is the fifth plugin that I want to recommend to you. This module can help you with trading money as you need and show it at any place that you need. Moreover, it other than has a video to reveal to you the most ideal approach to manage set Finance API and the record of how to present this module.

Provided features:

  • Demonstrate a brilliant structure to change over money
  • Fabulous Widget Support
  • Elementor Widget
  • Gutenberg Block
  • 4 course of action, basically analyst, just once-completed, little PC
  • Translation Support


  • Shocking
  • Without iframe versatile analyst
  • Best assistance

Currency Converter

Currency Converter makes you trade sums among in excess of 200 cash related rules. What’s more, you can in like way change the hiding, structure, and size with no issue. Through this module, you are in like way arranged to choose to show header tones, versatile width, and game-plans.

Provided features:

  • Changes over wholes between monetary standards
  • Show structures, versatile width, and header tones
  • Second check
  • Re-attempt size, disguising, and association
  • Pick default cash related structures for the mini-computer
  • Decision of more than 200 cash related standards


  • Works Flawlessly
  • Consistent Plugin
  • Work unprecedented

Euro FxRef Currency Converter

This plugin allows you to exchange currency to another easily just by using a simple shortcode. In addition, more than 33 currencies are included in this plugin. The conversion rate is according to ECB and it is updated from 2.15 pm to 3.00 p.m every day.

Provided features:

  • Convert one currency to another
  • Update rates daily between 2.15 p.m. and 3.00 p.m
  • Call the convertor statically from PHP


  • Simple and efficient
  • Fantastic and useful
  • Easy to use

Easy Currency Converter Plugin

WordPress Currency Converter Plugin

Easy Currency Converter is a simple to utilize and all around free module. You can download this module viably and change it effectively. Additionally, this module is a useful gadget for objectives that deftly to the general markets especially Canada, Japan, the USA, and Australia.

Provided features:

  • Utilize a live money change
  • Take any number inputted and yields
  • Convert to various financial measures all the while


  • Phenomenally critical and adaptable
  • Outstanding and basic
  • Easy to facilitate

Auto Currency Converter

WordPress Currency Converter Plugin

Auto Currency Converter causes you to perceive comparably as development the changed over aggregate in the outside cash effectively on the off chance that it has cash documentation showing up. Likewise, this module moreover melds a decision to write in the calendar essentially after the change works.

Provided features:

  • Perceive and recollect the changed over total for remote money
  • Set a date fundamentally after when the change works
  • Ordinarily convert Yen to USD


  • In every practical sense unfathomable
  • Great
  • Light-weight

Smart Currency Converter

The final Currency Converter WordPress Plugin that I want to introduce you is Smart Currency Converter. By using this module, you can pick among more than 70 fiscal structures open. Likewise, it other than grants you to change the default money related structures from the contraption settings.

Provided features:

  • Investigate 70+ financial principles
  • Change default money related structures from your device settings
  • Practical, focal and clear


  • Fundamental and huge
  • Easy to re-endeavor
  • Practical and consistent instrument

In Conclusion

Finally, WordPress Currency Converter Plugin is a helpful tool to help you exchange currency easily. Hopefully, you found your favorite one that suits your requirements. Moreover, you can follow our blogs to up-to-date more useful blogs.

Besides, you can also go to free WordPress themes to have more eye-catching themes for your websites.