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Top 10 Must-Have Woocommerce Multilingual Plugins

woocoommerce multilingual plugin

Are you looking for a plugin to create a multilingual website? So what is the best multilingual plugin for websites today? The choice of a language switch plugin is always a headache. Today, we will give you an overview, as well as in-depth, about the most popular Woocommerce Multilingual plugins today.

Why should you make your Woocommerce website multilingual?

Creating a multilingual website is considered one of the most effective methods to help your website easily approach international customers. Once customers understand all information about products in their native languages, then they easily make a purchase rather than if you don’t display your website in other languages.

However, how to make your website bilingual? In today’s blog, we will introduce to you a list of top-notch Woocommerce Multilingual plugins that will assist you in creating different languages for your website. Moreover, they also allow your website’s visitors to translate different sections on your websites such as a menu, categories, header, and much more.

Top 10 Recommended Woocommerce Multilingual Plugins

WooCommerce Multilingual – run WooCommerce with WPML

WooCommerce Multilingual

Firstly, this Woocommerce Multilingual plugin makes it easy to run fully multilingual e-commerce sites using WooCommerce and WPML. Plus, It is completely compatible with popular extensions.

Provides Features:

  • Decipher all WooCommerce items
  • A simple interpretation of the board for items, classifications, and characteristics
  • Keeps a similar language through the checkout cycle
  • Sends messages to customers and administrators in their language
  • Permits stock following without breaking items into dialects
  • Empowers running a solitary WooCommerce store with different monetary forms
  • And the sky is the limit from there


  • Fully multi-language
  • Simply
  • easy to adapt

Falang multilanguage for WordPress

Falang multilanguage for WordPress

Secondly, The Woocommerce Multilingual plugin is a perfect plugin that allows you to translate an existing WordPress site to other languages. Moreover, It is also compatible with WooCommerce.

Provides Features:

  • Easy setup
  • Supports all languages supported by WordPress (RTL and LTR)
  • Language Code directly in the URL
  • Contains translations for IT, FR, DE, ES, NL
  • Translate additional plugins like WooCommerce, Yoast SEO, et
  • And more


  • Easy to use
  • Feature-rich
  • Easy setup

TranslatePress – Translate Multilingual sites


Thirdly, The Woocommerce Multilingual plugin makes it easy to translate the entire page at once. Additionally, It also works out of the box with WooCommerce. Thanks to this plugin, It is the fastest way to create a bilingual or multilingual site.

Provides Features:

  • Translate directly from the front-end
  • Fully compatible with all themes and plugins
  • Live preview of your translated pages, as you edit them
  • Support for both manual and automatic translation
  • Conditional display content shortcode based on language
  • Out of the box WooCommerce compatibility
  • And more


  • Easy setup
  • Fully Features
  • Outstanding



Next, This is a bilingual or multilingual or define the language for WordPress site. Also, The translation of a post, whether it is in the default language or not, is optional.

Provides Features:

  • Support RTL language scripts
  • Translate posts, pages, media, categories, post tags, menus, widgets…
  • Set by the content or by the language code in url
  • Use one different subdomain or domain per language
  • Provide a customizable language switcher


  • Simply
  • Perfect plugin
  • Shortcode

Multilanguage by BestWebSoft

Multilanguage by BestWebSoft

Next, This is a great Woocommerce Multilingual plugin to translate your WordPress website to other languages. Plus, It allows your guests to switch dialects and peruse content in their language.

Provides Features:

  • Manually translate
  • 80+ pre-installed languages
  • Add new languages
  • Choose the default language
  • Change display order in the language switcher
  • Multiple language switcher layouts
  • Display translation availability in the posts and taxonomy lists


  • Easily Compatible
  • Available languages
  • Advanced features

Loco Translate

Loco Translate

The next template is one of the best free multilingual plugins in today’s collection. Plus, This plugin offers you many great localization tools for your site developers. Moreover, it also customizes the translation documents’ in-browser of your website.

Provided features:

  • PO file backups can be configured
  • Support built-in translation editor, WordPress locale codes
  • PO features/source view
  • Native MO file compilation support
  • Create language files and update them
  • and more.


  • Simple to use
  • Responsive support
  • Detailed FAQ support

Translate WordPress with GTranslate

Translate WordPress with GTranslate

The subsequent plugin is the best multi-language plugin WordPress to translate automatically service from Google Translate. Thus, It helps your website go global with multi-language support. The plugin attracts hundreds of 100 languages in the world. In addition, it also helps you to save money thanks to integrates automatic translations.

Provided features:

  • Support translation for pages/posts/menus/categories/plugins/theme
  • RTL Language support
  • Google automatic machine translation
  • Hide “Suggest better translation” pop-up as well as Google top frame after translation
  • Mouseover effect support
  • Google Analytics integration
  • and more.


  • Easy to use
  • Fast and efficient support
  • Worthy to try

Germanized for WooCommerce

Germanized for WooCommerce

Subsequently, This powerful Woocommerce Multilingual plugin allows your website to enhance languages. Germanized broadens WooCommerce to technically match specific german legal conditions. The purpose of this plugin is to adjust WooCommerce to the unique requirements of the German market.

Provided features:

  • Support button solution
  • Calculating shipping costs’ tax
  • Customers double opt-in
  • Delivery Times
  • Small Business regulation
  • Shipping costs and tax notices
  • Legal Checkboxes UI
  • Privacy policy, revocation, terms
  • And more


  • Great support
  • Fully compatible
  • Simple to use

Hyyan WooCommerce Polylang Integration

Hyyan WooCommerce Polylang Integration

Next, This great Woocommerce Multilingual plugin enables you to manage an efficient multilingual Woocommerce store by using Polylang. In addition, it has the ability to translate pages and products into client’s languages, which encourages them to buy goods faster within an interface.

Provided features:

  • Emails
  • Filter reports with languages or complete report in all available languages
  • Product/Endpoints/order translation support
  • Download Woocommerce Translation files automatically
  • Page Translation
  • Synchronize Stock/coupon/cart
  • and more.


  • Simple set up
  • Perfect solution
  • Good support service

Multi-language Responsive Contact Form

woocoommerce multilingual plugin

Finally, this Woocommerce Multilingual plugin is the best solution for your website with many support languages. In addition, We can list English(default), Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Russian, Spanish, and so on.

Provides Features:

  • Easy to install
  • It is a responsive form.
  • Easy jQuery validations and understand coding standard.
  • Add subject text for mail to be sent to the users.
  • Use shortcode
  • Manage form style/CSS from admin panel
  • And so on


  • Features-rich
  • Great solution
  • Worthy plugin

The bottom line

Above is the top 10 Woocommerce Multilingual plugin in 2022 that we want to recommend to you to order all content easily. We hope that you can choose a suitable plugin for your website. In case, you want to seek plugins related to other topics, let’s leave a comment below. We will support you as soon as possible.

Moreover, if you are looking for a professional, well-structured design for your website, you can visit our website for free WordPress themes here.