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8+ Best WooCommerce Booking Plugins

Woocommerce Booking Plugins 7

There are many people who tend to make a reservation online for not only services but products. Thus, it is great to combine a WooCommerce site with a booking service, don’t you think so? You can add your Woocommerce products as booking or renting products and manage smoothly this booking products system with WooCommerce Booking Plugins! If you are searching for a useful Woocommerce Booking Plugin, let’s dig in this list of 10 free recommended WooCommerce Booking Plugins to find one.

The plus point of WooCommerce Booking Plugins

Instead of managing multiple bookings manually, using Woocommerce Booking plugins will help you keep track of numerous bookings in a professional manner. Moreover, you can create flexible time bookings, multiple-day bookings & rentals. Thanks to that, you will don’t miss important bookings and appointments with your customers.

Let’s explore Top WooCommerce Booking Plugins

WooCommerce Easy Booking

Woocommerce Booking Plugins 1

This helpful plugin will help you by creating an option to add product for booking or renting. Besides, it will display detail information about your booking products, such as start date / end date and calculates a new price based on a daily, nightly, weekly or custom basis…


  • Display booking or renting products
  • Manage stocks and availability
  • Manage pricing depending on duration
  • Set different prices depending on dates or dateranges
  • Disable Dates to manage dates
  • Display the calendars and set the dates
  • And more


  • Easy to use
  • Simple installation

Booking Activities

Woocommerce Booking Plugins 1

Booking Activities is one of the most highly appreciated WooCommerce Booking Plugins. It enables you to design your booking activities by drag and drop. Then your customers can pick and book event / product / service from your calendar.


  • Drag and drop your activities onto your schedule
  • Visually build your plannings
  • Display a booking form using shortcodes
  • Integrate with your available WooCommerce products
  • Pick an event on calendar and book it
  • Group your events
  • And more


  • Plenty of features
  • Fully customizable
  • Mobile-friendly

Pinpoint Booking System

Woocommerce Booking Plugins 4

With the help of Pinpoint Booking System, your customers can easily make a reservation on your site. This plugin enables you to design the calendar, schedule a service, build a clean booking system. It is fully integrated with WooCommerce, that helps you make the most of the shopping cart, the specific payment gateways and all the other extra features.


  • Responsive booking calendar
  • 5 types of availability of days
  • Support for morning check-outs
  • Control your reservations by hours
  • Adjust the reservation time interval
  • Compatible with WooCommerce plugin
  • And more


  • Support for multi languages
  • Can be easily customize
  • Good support

Booster for WooCommerce

This is a great plugin which contains amazing extra features for WooCommerce, and one of them is booking feature. It allows you to create booking products and manage them. In addition, Booster for WooCommerce comes with many other amazing features for WooCommerce that you can slowly explore one by one.


  • Add bookings products to WooCommerce
  • Let your customers to suggest their price
  • Add global discount
  • Call for Price
  • Customize cross-sells products display
  • And more


  • Plenty of features
  • Great support
  • Highly appreciated

Bus Ticket Booking with Seat Reservation

Using this plugin, you can create a simple booking system that uses WooCommerce for making payment. Besides, it can run your booking service without taking affect on your WooCommerce products.


  • Unlimited bus, category, boarding point, dropping point and pricing
  • Display booking using shortcodes
  • Support any WooCommerce payment method
  • Intermediate bus route booking works with different price
  • Ability to return booking
  • And more


  • Friendly with developers
  • Highly customizable
  • Easy to modify templates

WooCommerce Booking Bundle Hours

WooCommerce Booking Bundle Hours allows you to create, manage and selling reservation of any hour. If you are looking for a plugin that help you manage a bundle of hours of any kind of service, this plugin is a great choice.


  • Buy packages of time services
  • Keep track of hours still available and hours already used
  • Selling and the reservation
  • Add attributes variations called “hours”
  • Set a price and the specific for every single variation
  • And more


  • Clean document
  • Good support
  • Easy to set up

WP BASE Booking of Appointments, Services and Events

With the help of WP BASE Booking of Appointments, your custom can make a reservation in the front end while you can manage or manually create appointments from admin side. This plugin is fully integrated with WooCommerce, so it enables you to selling your services as WooCommerce products.


  • Unlimited number of services
  • Assigne services to any unique member of the website
  • Table view booking with free slots, days, weeks or months
  • Ability to jump to a far date by direct date selection using datepicker
  • Selectable user fields
  • Sell service with WooCommerce
  • And more


  • Developer friendly
  • Simple and clean look

WP Events Manager WooCommerce

WP Events Manager WooCommerce gives you the ability to manage an event website. It comes with ability to supports paying for booking of WP Events Manager plugin with the payment system. It is quite new but amazing, and you can try this one for free.


  • Set quantities, price, start / end date,… for event
  • Choose to allow customers to register event
  • Choose to send notify when users register event
  • Shortcode to display each event
  • And more


We have recommended 8 helpful Woocommerce Booking Plugins for you. Feel free to try some of them, or one by one, to find out the most suitable plugin for you. If you like this article, please vote for us!

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