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Top 8 Best WordPress Thumbnail Plugins

FPW Category Thumbnails _

Take a look and select the best WordPress Thumbnail Plugin to create as well as edit a thumbnail to your sites!

Why should you try WordPress Thumbnail Plugin?

The WordPress thumbnail plugin allows for automatically resizing and cropping images for display on a website. It can improve the visual appeal of a site by creating consistent, optimized images. It can also save time and effort as images do not have to be manually edited for each post.

Top WordPress Thumbnail Plugin

Regenerate Thumbnails

Regenerate Thumbnails _

This WordPress Thumbnail Plugin enables you to recreate every thumbnail sizes for one or many photos that you have uploaded to your Media Library.

Provided Features:

  • A new thumbnail size
  • Switch to a new WordPress theme
  • Change the dimensions of an existing thumbnail size


  •  Ridiculous
  • Useful and time-saver
  • Simple and reliable

Recent Posts Widget With Thumbnails

Recent Posts Widget With Thumbnails _

This plugin helps you to list the latest posts with post titles, thumbnails, dates and more. Besides, your interface is available in many foreign languages such as Arabic, English, German, Japan and so on. This is also ready for EU General Data Protection Regulation compliance because it does not collect any personal data.

Provided Features:

  • Hide current post in list
  • Title of the widget
  • Show post categories
  • Signs after excerpt
  • Default thumbnail URL
  • No CSS generation at all
  • And much more


  • Easy to configure
  • Harmonious design
  • Well balanced aesthetics

Related Posts Thumbnails Plugin for WordPress

Related Posts Thumbnails Plugin for WordPress _

This WordPress Thumbnail will insert related posts thumbnails after the post. It also allows users to customize thumbnail sizes, colors of background, border, text sizes and show settings as well as type of relation. In addition, you are able to specify custom thumbnail size your theme as long as it supports Post Thumbnails feature introduced in WordPress 2.9.

Provided Features:

  • Specify post custom field name
  • Specify post custom field name
  • Customize thumbnail sizes
  • Translation ready
  • And more


  • Easily configurable
  • Smart and useful
  • Simple to use and understandable


Crop-Thumbnails _

This WordPress Thumbnail allows you to modify the crop region of cropped photos. Besides, you are able to select one or more image sizes and cut-off the part of the photo that you want. It also insert buttons to the edit-pages and media-dialog to get access to a crop-editor.

Provided Features:

  • Add a cropped image size
  • A dynamic cropped image size
  • “Add image size” document
  • Produce a cropped image “my-custom-image-size”
  • And more


  • Solid, simple and fresh
  • Easy to install
  • Great support

Video Embed & Thumbnail Generator

Video Embed & Thumbnail Generator _

This WordPress Thumbnail allows you to embed videos, create thumbnail and encode files easily. It helps you to insert some fields to any videos that were uploaded to  the WordPress Media Library and the video will be responsively resize to be suitable the container. Besides, you are able to create thumbnails from your video as long as you have installed  FFMPEG or LIBAV on your server.

Provided Features:

  •  Add subtitle and caption tracks
  • Create a popup video gallery
  • Send Google Analytics Events automatically
  • Automatically select the one closest to the size of the player
  • Set the default maximum video width and height
  • And more


  • Useful and versatile plugin
  • Flexible and easy to configure
  • Useful and fast

Magic Post Thumbnail

Magic Post Thumbnail _

This plugin allows you to recreate thumbnails for your posts automatically. This will get back the first photo form Google Images, Flickr or Pixabay due to API that bases on your post title and then it will insert the image as your featured thumbnail when you publish the post.

Provided Features:

  • Generate thumbnail for one post
  • Create automatically thumbnails
  • Translation ready
  • Generate thumbnails massively for chosen posts


  • Simple to use
  • Save lots of time
  • Work without any issue

FPW Category Thumbnails

FPW Category Thumbnails _

This WordPress Thumbnail Plugin allows you to insert a thumbnail automatically based on category / thumbnail mapping when your post or page is being generated or updated. This plugin also helps you to choose the same thumbnail for post in particular category that helps to save a lot of time.

Provided Features:

  • Select the same thumbnail for posts
  • Add a thumbnail automatically
  • Bundle with FPW Post Thumbnails


  • Time-saving
  • Awesome plugin
  • Easy to set up

 WP Random Post Thumbnails

WP Random Post Thumbnails _

This plugin helps you to upload a set of pictures through a settings to be displayed for your posts without pictures. This Plugin will be very useful if your theme displays thumbnails for the posts as well as you don’t like any of your posts without thumbnails.

Provided Features:

  • Choose images at random on page
  • Upload a set of images via a settings page
  • Select images specifically for certain post types


  •  Objective
  • Time-saver
  • Simple and effective


That is all of our collection today. You can also have more free WordPress theme to help you create and edit a thumbnail on your website!

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to comment below. Thanks very much for your reading!