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myCred – A Worth Trying Woocommerce Loyalty Rewards plugin

Let’s build customers loyalty easier with the best Woocommerce Loyalty Rewards plugin!

It has been a difficult thing to create customers loyalty to your online business, especially when you have a large number of competitors to compete with. Discount or giving away rewards always a good solution to solve this problem. The next question is, among hundreds of Woocommerce Loyalty Rewards plugin, which one should you go with? In this blog post today, we have a recommend answer for you, which is myCred.



Author: myCred


This is a points management system which is fully flexible and adaptive, coming with many useful features to create for you Woocommerce site a wide range of point related applications. So, what makes myCred different from the rest of Woocommerce Loyalty Rewards plugin? Let’s take a look at some of provided features of this plugin for further information.

Provided features:

  • Store reward system
  • Online banking
  • Monetize from your website content
  • Community leaderboards
  • Provide a log which saves all adding/deducting points activities, so users can browse their history and check
  • Support popular languages: French, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, Swedish,…
  • and more.


  • Good support service
  • Providing many features which works well
  • Well-documented
  • Easy to use.

Technical Requirement:

  • WordPress 4.5+
  • PHP version 5.6+
  • MySQL version 5.0 or greater
  • PHP mcrypt library enabled.


We hope this blog post will somehow help you find a suitable Woocommerce Loyalty Rewards plugin for your WordPress site. Don’t forget to share with your friends if you think this post is useful. If you have any question, please feel free to leave a comment below or contact us here, we will reply as soon as possible!