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Top 8 Popular Amazon Affiliate WordPress Plugins

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It is obvious that Amazon Affiliate WordPress Plugins can help you earn a lot of commission once visitors buy Amazon products via your affiliate link on your WordPress site. However, currently, there are loads of tools in the market, so which is the most effective plugin among countless ones? If you are facing this task, in today’s blog, we will bring you a list of remarkable Amazon Affiliate WordPress Plugins that will help you maximize the revenue potential of your WordPress site. Now, let’s give it a look.

Why should you try Amazon Affiliate WordPress Plugins?

Affiliate links from Amazon are a great way to earn money and commission. But if you don’t have much time or you aren’t a website expert, adding links manually to your website is quite difficult. It must take a long time, and requires a lot of work. Thankfully, there are some Amazon affiliate WordPress plugins created to make your work easier. Today, we’re going to suggest you 10 Amazon affiliate WordPress plugins that may help you. Let’s get started!

Let’s explore Top Amazon Affiliate WordPress Plugins

Affiliates Manager

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Firstly, the helpful plugin helping you to track your links and reports is Affiliates Manager. It allows you to track the traffic of your affiliates. Besides, Affiliates Manager is free and quite good as we can see.


  • Track the referrals your affiliates send to your site
  • Pay commission
  • Ability to register, log in
  • Real-time reports
  • Choose flat rate or percentage based payout
  • Pay affiliates by PayPal
  • Custom messages for affilates


  • Intergrated with WooCommerce
  • Unlimited affiliates
  • Bunch of different available languages

ThirstyAffiliates Affiliate Link Manager

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ThirstyAffiliates allows you to customize and manage your link, tweak the slugs in URLs, import and export, and so on. It has 30,000+ activated installation in WordPress martketplace, and surely you must try it.


  • Modify link hierarchical
  • Redirect link
  • Add images into affiliate links
  • Track click statictics
  • Insert affiliate links to posts, pages and comments
  • And more


  • Simple installation
  • Amazing features
  • Good support


Affiliates plugin contains a set of powerful growth-oriented tools. It is easily intergrated with any e-commerce platform. Therefore, this plugin will help you run successfully your affiliate projects.


  • Ability to share links to any page
  • Automated registration
  • Facilities for affiliates
  • Set commission fee
  • Statistic reports
  • And more


  • Intergrated with any virtual platform
  • Customizable framework for developers

Easy Affiliate Link

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This next plugin enables you to manage efficiently affiliate links on your website. It also allows you to custom your links into shortlinks, or keep them originally. In addition, using it, you can track clicks to improve your affiliate program.


  • Custom shortlinks
  • Track clicks
  • Arrange categories for links
  • Import links form XML and CSV file
  • Export links to CSV format


  • Easily compatible with Classic Editor and Gutenberg Block
  • Simple but great


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With the help of EasyAzon, you can easily create Amazon affiliate links within WordPress editor. Instead of following slowly step by step, you can directly attach affiliate links to any product on Amazon.


  • Choose links opening in a new window or nofollow attributes
  • Create text affiliate links
  • Amazon Affiliate Training program


  • 10 various available languages
  • Easy to set up

Auto Affiliate Links

Auto Affiliate Links will automatically insert affiliate links – from not only Amazon but Ebay, Walmart, BestBuy… – to your website. You can custom the position of affiliate links or keep it normally.


  • Automatically add links to content
  • Show links from Amazon, Clickbank or Shareasale
  • Choose the position of affiliate links and keywords
  • Choose the links follow or nofollow
  • Option to choose to opening in new tab or not
  • Cloak links
  • Limit the number of links


  • Useful plugin
  • Easy to use
  • Fast performance

Pretty Link Lite

With Pretty Link Lite, you can shorten your links with your own domain. Besides, it also help you track each hit on your links and show you the reports. Thanks to it, you can enhance your affiliate program and earn more profit.


  • Shrik links using your dmain name
  • Manage all the links on your site
  • Random URLs slug or custom slug
  • Track hit on the links
  • View click detail
  • Export view report as CSV format
  • And more


  • Good support
  • Highly appreciated plugin

Amazon Auto Links

Using Amazon Auto Links, you don’t need to worry about your link will be useless when your products are out of date. You can simply pick categories which suit your site and it will consequently show the links of better than average items simply turning out from Amazon today.


  • Show links from Amazon
  • Attach links with your Amazon Associate ID
  • Ability to filter unwanted products
  • Custom the layout
  • Search a specific product


  • 14 Amazon locale are supported
  • Compatible with PA-API 5


We have recommended you some useful Amazon affiliate WordPress plugins to pick one. If you are interested in this article, share it with your friends! By the way, why don’t you go to our website to discover a list of gorgeous free WordPress themes ?

Contact us if you have any questions. We will reply to you as soon as possible.