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Collection Of 5 Useful WordPress Wishlist Plugins

wordpress wishlist plugin

Are you running an online store? Do you want to improve user experience on your website? Adding a wishlist function on your website is also a great way to help your customers easily add their favorite products without buying them immediately. Your customer can return and make a purchase later. In today’s blog, we will provide you with a list of remarkable WordPress Wishlist Plugins that will help you easily create a wishlist for your store. Let’s check them out.

The prominent point of WordPress Wishlist Plugins

Have you ever known that most visitors exit your store site without buying anything? That means a few people really visit your website and purchase something for the first time. So why don’t you “give” the remaining a reason to visit again and finish the order? By the way of installing a WordPress wishlist plugin, visitors may come back and consider making a purchase! Therefore, we recommend for you some WordPress wishlist plugins we think they’re useful. Enjoy!

Top WordPress Wishlist Plugins

TI WooCommerce Wishlist 

Let’s start with TI WooCommerce Wishlist – a popular free WordPress Wishlist plugin. It allow customer adding products into their waiting lists easily and conveniently and share those lists with friend. As a result, this plugin help you gain more loyal customers as well as potential visitors.


  • Shortcode for Wishlist button on everywhere
  • Ability to customize button icon and wishlist table
  • Share wishlist on chanels
  • Customizable your appearance and CSS 
  • Product variation support


  • Quick setting up
  • User-friendly look
  • Highly appreciated

YITH WooCommerce Wishlist

This is a powerful tool help you loyalise your customer, “suggest secretly” them buying not only their planned products but even more than they decided. Like the one before, YITH WooCommerce Wishlist allow you share waiting lists to other people – aims to attract more customer to your store!


  • Ability to set a page for wishlist goods
  • “Add to wishlist” and “Remove from wishlist” button
  • Customizable columns in the wishlist table


  • Lovely appearance

WPC Smart Wishlist for WooCommerce

When using WPC Smart Wishlist for WooCommerce, you have the complete control to keep and push customer to continue considering their order on website. It also provides a pop up for customer to view their wishlist right on your every sites. 


  • Ability to turn on/off for unauthenticated subscribers
  • Link and button waiting list
  • Shortcodes for the button
  • Button categories
  • WPML intergrated
  • And more


  • Optimized for SEO
  • Unlimited color choices for pop up

Wish List for WooCommerce

Wish List for WooCommerce brings to you tons flexible options to tweak your design as well as features of your wishlist page.


  • Sharing on social channels button
  • FontAwesome icons
  • Add/remove products feature


  • Basic design, less is more
  • Available for unlogged visitors

Wishlist and Waitlist for WooCommerce

This smart WordPress Wishlist plugin will help your customers add goods to wishlist easily then notify them when products are available.


  • Wish and wait button
  • Ability to set text on button
  • Flexible number of lists 
  • Widget for on sale products on wishlist


  • Simple and lightweight


These are the top useful WordPress Wishlist plugins we have recommended for you. We hope this list will be helpful! If you like this article, don’t hesitate to share with us your thoughts by leaving a comment below. By the way, why don’t you visit our WordPress free Ecommerce theme to explore plenty of gorgeous designs? 

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