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Top 10 Powerful WordPress Popular Post Plugins

wordpress popular post plugin

As a blogger, you may know the importance of user engagement on any website. Thanks to it, you can gain more loyal readership, social shares, more conversions as well as regular visitors. In order to do it, you need to gain satisfaction from your customers and keep them on your site longer. One of the most effective ways is guiding them to the most popular posts so that they can save a lot of time. Today, in this article, we provide you with the top best WordPress Popular Post Plugin with the hope that you can choose the best one easily. Let’s start now!

The good point of WordPress Popular Post Plugin

By using WordPress Popular Post Plugin, you can display your popular posts in the sidebar to catch the attention of your readers. In addition, this method also helps your readers easily find new content on your website instead of scrolling a long page to look for their favorite content. Moreover, it gives you a higher chance to boost user engagement and conversions. Another benefit is that it assists you to add internal links to your posts and boosts your SEO score.

Top WordPress Popular Post Plugins

 Popular Posts by Webline 

Celebrated Posts by Webline enables you to list the aggregate of your notable posts. Besides, by using this module, you can in like manner arrange your posts by date. This module gives you a choice to manage your showing comments, post dates, post sees counts, Exclude Current Post and significantly more.

Provided features:

  • Show posts by applying the channels
  • Channel for the date which shows posts
  • Posts can in like manner be appeared by the Category decision.
  • Control for showing Comments
  • Direct for showing Post Views Count
  • Control for exhibiting Post Date
  • What’s more, that is just a glimpse of something larger


  • Awesome
  • Clear

WordPress Popular Posts

This is one of the most widely recognized WordPress Popular Post Plugin that gives you a capacity to show the most well known posts of your site without any problem. Likewise, you can likewise decide to show other stuff rather than simply demonstrating posts and pages. Through the insights dashboard remembering for this module, you can perceive how your famous posts are getting along from your administrator region legitimately.

Provided  features:

  • Multi-gadget proficient
  • Custom Post-type support
  • Progressed reserving highlights
  • REST API Support
  • Disqus support
  • Polylang and WPML 3.2+ help
  • WordPress Multisite support
  • Show a thumbnail of posts
  • Insights dashboard
  • Arranging choices
  • Custom topics


  • Adaptable module
  • Immaculate device
  • Extraordinary adjustable module

Top 10 – Popular posts plugin for WordPress

This is a free yet powerful WordPress Popular Posts Widget which permits you to check the quantity of site visits of your posts and page without any problem. From that point onward, you can show the site visit tallies and show the most mainstream posts of your site. Furthermore, here is additionally one of the most element rich modules which incorporate countless choices.

Provided features:

  • Show a rundown of famous posts
  • Gadget prepared
  • Thumbnail support
  • Prohibit posts from select classifications
  • Effectively style the rundown
  • Administrator interface
  • Fare/Import interface
  • Works with reserving modules
  • Extendable code


  • Incredible module
  • Great highlights
  • Straightforward and simple to tweak

WP Tab Widget

WP Tab module is an ideal apparatus that permits your vistors to discover what is the best posts of your site in the sidebar without expecting to battle to scan for it. Furthermore, this module additionally permits you to deal with the request for your tabs just as the quantity of posts appearing. You can adjust the quantity of tabs to show without any problem.

Provided features:

  • Control the request for the tabs
  • Change the quantity of tabs to appear
  • Simple to change the CSS
  • Pick between 3 interesting styles
  • Show/Hide post date
  • Control the quantity of presents on appear
  • Too lightweight
  • In-fabricated reserve framework
  • Cool impacts


  • Awesome tabs
  • Excellent
  • Brilliant Support

WP Most Popular

WP Most Popular is an absolute necessity have module that you can use to rank the most widely recognized blog entries of your site. Likewise, this module gives you the adaptability to show the most famous custom post types and you can likewise show your mainstream post from the most recent day, a week ago, a month ago or considerably more.

Provided features:

  • Rank your most famous blog entries
  • Show famous posts from the most recent day, 7 days, 30 days
  • Accompanies a sidebar gadget
  • Show your famous posts on the sidebar of your blog.
  • Show the most mainstream custom post types


  • Extraordinary module
  • Basic and adaptable
  • Decent thought

Trending/Popular Post Slider and Widget

WP Trending Post Slider and Widget is a urgent WordPress Popular Post Plugin that gives you a capacity to show the most by and large saw posts on the slanting posts on your blog with no issue. In addition, this module moreover encourages you to list the posts which depend upon the posts’ perspectives comparably as the measure of remarks.

Provided features:

  • Show standard/inclining posts
  • Once-over presents subject on your post perspectives or Comment Count
  • Altered bring that post into list


  • Amazing Job
  • Amazing help
  • Flexible module

Post Hit Counter

Post Hit Counter module is a great WordPress Popular Posts Widget that you can use to process the measure of perspectives that your posts get. In addition, this module awards you to show the most watched posts at wherever on your site. You can in like way get the choice of picking which sorts of posts must be settled comparably as which client occupations ought not trigger the hit counter with no issue.

Provided features:

  • Reasonably apparent hit recollects for the dashboard
  • No disappointed assessment and estimations
  • Select which post types must be checked
  • Select which client occupations ought not trigger the hit counter
  • Shortcode to show see check
  • Show your most watched posts any place
  • Show your most watched posts from the start


  • Fundamentally Works
  • Amazing
  • Astounding

Most And Least Read Posts Widget

Most And Least Read Posts Widget connects with you to make a quick overview of the most remarkable read posts or the least acclaimed read posts on your site. Moreover, this module besides permits you to show the measure of posts and the post hits after the title. You can comparably have the choice to restrict posts more settled than the days that you pick.

Provided features:

  • Number of presents on appear
  • Reject posts whose title contains certain words
  • Show post hits after the title
  • A custom position
  • A custom CSS style
  • bar posts more arranged than XX days


  • Unfathomable module
  • Awesome

Popular Widget

Mainstream Widget gives you a capacity to determine the time that your presents are considered on be famous. Furthermore, this module likewise permits you to channel your post by classification without any problem. Furthermore, you can likewise show the thumbnails and ongoing remarks for your site just as ascertain the quantity of site visits.

Provided features:

  • Show thumbnails
  • Show ongoing remarks
  • Impair tabs
  • Classification channel
  • Compute visits or site visits
  • Impair tabs
  • Custom field choices for see checks
  • Tally Display
  • Classification channel


  • Works impeccably
  • Decent module
  • Fantastic module


This is all of our collection today. WordPress Popular Post Plugin is a great tool for any website. Thanks to it, you can display your favorite posts on your site in real-time. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to leave a comment below. And don’t forget to share it with your friends if you find it helpful.

Moreover, you can also get access to free WordPress themes to have a more attractive design for your websites.