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Top 7 Helpful WordPress Crowdfunding Plugins

WordPress Crowdfunding plugin

Call for financial support from the community to complete the project with the WordPress Crowdfunding plugin!

Why should you try the WordPress Crowdfunding plugin?

Crowdfunding provides an opportunity for entrepreneurs to raise a large amount of capital from the community, or more specifically, anyone with money can invest. Therefore, when you have an idea of a solution that benefits the community, you don’t have the capital, you can use this WordPress Crowdfunding plugin to develop your business.

Top WordPress Crowdfunding plugin

WP Crowdfunding

WP Crowdfunding helps change the dashboard background color for the graphs to better match your color scheme as these are currently hardcoded. Also, this plugin has a  Native Wallet System to track, calculate, record and distribute all funds.

WordPress Crowdfunding plugin


  • Frontend project submission form
  • Define a recommended price
  • Display the backer name as anonymous
  • Check the backed projects list
  • Change account password
  • and more.


  • Fast support
  • Useful plugin.


FundPress is a Crowdfunding plugin WooCommerce that has the ability to create various fundraising projects that has a progress bar. It accompanies “all campaign page” layout which can list all the current crowdfunding and financial assistance.

WordPress Crowdfunding plugin


  • Multiple payment choices
  • Create a compensation plan in the backend
  • Send Emails to backers
  • Describe all information regarding a particular project
  • and more.


  • Nice plugin.

Crowdfunding for WooCommerce

Crowdfunding for WooCommerce is also another WordPress Crowdfunding plugin that provides a wide range of useful features to create a crowding website. When showing crowdfunding information for the item, you can use the module’s shortcodes such as backers and money shortcodes, time shortcodes and more.

WordPress Crowdfunding plugin


  • Add user’s custom campaigns directly
  • Set custom HTML
  • Style progress bars for the time remaining
  • Enable/disable emails
  • and more.


  • Good plugin
  • Essential features.


Give is the most elevated appraised, most downloaded, and best-maintained Crowdfunding plugin WooCommerce. With Give, you can get a complete overview of your donation activity and measure performance across multiple campaigns.

WordPress Crowdfunding plugin


  • Give inherits your theme’s styles
  • Add goals, multiple giving amounts
  • Control data with exports and reports
  • Filter reports by date, form, and payment method
  • Generate tax-deductible receipts
  • and more.


  • Excellent plugin
  • Wide range of functionality.


IgnitionDeck is a WordPress crowdfunding and web-based business stage that enables you to begin selling, crowdfunding, or gathering fundraisers quickly with PayPal Standard. There is also a custom dashboard/client the board framework that highlights account enlistment, item conveyance, and programmed upsell openings.

WordPress Crowdfunding plugin


  • End date, open/closed campaigns available
  • Parent/child project relationships
  • Shortcodes for every piece of data
  • Member management admin screen
  • Email purchase receipts and registration confirmation
  • and more.


  • Great communication
  • Fantastic support
  • Very helpful.

WP Whydonate

WP Whydonate is a perfect plugin if you want to raise money and collect donations worldwide on your own website. This plugin has a responsive design that to be used on a tablet, mobile, and PC. Additionally, it can receive online One-time and period donations.

WordPress Crowdfunding plugin


  • A wide selection of payment methods
  • Set an end date and target amount
  • Automatic thank you emails to donors
  • Support via chat, telephone, and email
  • and more.


  • Perfect plugin
  • Multiple languages.


InFunding is a free Crowdfunding plugin WooCommerce to make a beneficent program and claim for gifts with PayPal or bank move. What’s more, it has the capacity to make and deal with your charity programs, gifts, and givers.

WordPress Crowdfunding plugin


  • Create and manage charity campaigns
  • Provide logging system
  • Offer many easy-to-use shortcodes
  • Support responsive template
  • and more.


  • Great work.


In conclusion, we hope you can choose the best WordPress Crowdfunding plugin to use in your business. You should share this article with your friends and take more nice free WordPress themes!

Thank you for reading! If you have any questions, you can leave a comment below or contact us.