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7+ Effective WordPress CRM Plugins To Develop Your Business

WordPress CRM plugin

You are finding a plugin that helps you manage customers, track potential customers, submit invoices, and so on. Today, we will provide a collection of WordPress CRM plugins for you to add specific functions. Take it a look!

What are the benefits of installing the WordPress CRM Plugin?

  • Receive valuable insights to make conclusive decisions
  • Connect your social media and employees with your clients from one place
  • Establish a company culture and internal communication mechanism
  • Increase revenue and accountability
  • Understand and timely response to the needs of your customers

Top WordPress CRM Plugins

Zero BS WordPress CRM

Zero BS WordPress CRM has a lot of advanced features that are useful for both large business and small companies. You enable to monitor customer information right inside WordPress and can store location and contact information, and notes of each customer.

WordPress CRM plugin


  • Add and manage customers, quotes
  • Multi-currency available
  • Language translation ready
  • Customer records with contact information
  • Record transactions against a customer
  • and more.


  • Excellent support
  • Powerful tool
  • Simple to use.


WP ERP is one of the most popular WordPress CRM plugin that includes basic CRM features, personnel management options, and accounting functions. In addition, with this, you can manage customers and employees simultaneously, also monitor cash flow.

WordPress CRM plugin


  • 44+ Currency Support
  • Manage locations
  • Add and list departments
  • Implement a personalized approach
  • Keep a log of every detail
  • Make company profiles
  • and more.


  • Good product
  • Work well.

CRM and Lead Management by vCita

CRM and Lead Management by vCita supports you to connect to the WordPress website to third-party CRM. Besides that, you are able to save customer information, make appointments, and even set up company events.

WordPress CRM plugin


  • Double the number of new sales opportunities
  • Organize, search and edit client information
  • A secure 24/7 client portal offering account updates
  • Manage your business calendar
  • Invoice templates and online payment collect
  • and more.


  • Easy installation.

WP CRM System

WP CRM System is the best CRM for WordPress that enables you to deal with your clients, activities, and works easily. It also adds support to languages such as Spanish, Russian, and Polish.

WordPress CRM plugin


  • View contact’s order history from the record
  • Connect over 750 different apps
  • Display status of projects, tasks, and invoices
  • Subscribe contacts to your MailChimp list
  • Attach files from Dropbox account
  • and more.


  • User-friendly plugin
  • Prompt and helpful.

CRM WordPress Leads

CRM WordPress Leads is considered the simplest WordPress CRM plugin for users. If you use it, you are allowed to push information gathered with a structure inserted into your WordPress site.

WordPress CRM plugin


  • Generate forms with or without 3rd party web form
  • Embed forms in page, post
  • Captures potential leads to Zoho CRM
  • Notification of Lead Capture
  • Google Captcha to avoid spam
  • and more.


  • Great support
  • Fantastic product
  • Work nicely.

Agile CRM

Agile CRM has deals following, contact control, web examination, two-way messages, communication, and helpdesk with a straightforward. Moreover, this WordPress CRM plugin views customer data from various other business apps under one page using extensive integrations and widgets.

WordPress CRM plugin


  • Automate marketing, sales, and customer retention process
  • Convert website visitors directly
  • Enable omnichannel communication
  • Monitor customer behavior
  • View customer data from various other business apps
  • and more.


  • Save time
  • Work well
  • Handle plugin.

Extended CRM for Users Insights

This best CRM for WordPress adds custom user meta fields to User Insights sorting and filtering capabilities. Also, Extended CRM for Users Insights makes it so much easier to add custom fields by letting you choose any user-meta from a dropdown and add a user-friendly label to the profile.

WordPress CRM plugin


  • Create sticky notes
  • Shows the date of the last note
  • Give a note content filter
  • Support custom user fields
  • and more.


  • Helpful custom fields feature
  • Easy to use.


We wish you can choose the best WordPress CRM plugin to help you manage your business effectively. Share this blog with your friends and take more nice free WordPress themes!

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