Euphony is a free music WordPress subject created wonderfully for performers and groups. It accompanies a moderate, intelligent and excessively rich idea. Musicality has been made to be adaptable inside the music business and amusing to play with. This subject is control stuffed with amazing highlights like Featured Content, Featured Slider, Hero Content, Sticky Playlist, Services, Portfolio, Testimonials, and that’s only the tip of the iceberg. These highlights in Euphony enables you to change your music site the manner in which you like. Musicality is a perfect answer for performers, solo specialists, groups, web recordings, music web journals; you simply name it, the topic encourages you understand every one of your thoughts. The subject is totally responsive and along these lines good with a wide range of current programs. To top everything, the subject is interpretation prepared. On the off chance that you need advance music highlights, look at the superior form, Euphony Pro.
Free Euphony WordPress theme