Book Publisher is tailored for the bookstore, authors, writers, and other book-publishing-related websites. This theme has an eye-catching but professional layout for you to present your content. In addition, it also offers many pages for you to organize information logically such as About Us, Authors, Contacts, and more. Thanks to the support of the one-click demo importer, it’s possible for you to import content in a simple way. Furthermore, this theme also permits you to apply this theme for your own purpose with complex page layouts and more without touching any line of code. In addition, it gives you the custom Profile post type where you can showcase author and publishers information at ease. On top of that, with a responsive layout, your site structure will transfer smoothly on different devices without any problem. Other useful features of this theme are SEO-optimized, optimized codes, translation-ready, RTL -support, and major contact form plugins compatible.
Book Publisher WordPress Theme