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List 9 Helpful Coming Soon Page WordPress Plugins

Coming Soon Page WordPress plugin

Notify an upcoming event or program with the Coming Soon Page WordPress plugin!

Why should you use the Coming Soon Page WordPress plugin?

When you have a project or program that is going to be launched to the public, it is impressive to let everyone know about coming soon. Today we will provide a collection of perfect Coming Soon Page WordPress plugins. Take it a consideration!

Let’s see the Top Coming Soon Page WordPress plugin

Coming Soon Page & Maintenance Mode by SeedProd

Coming Soon Page & Maintenance Mode by SeedProd is one of the best Under Construction WordPress plugin which allows you to use a secret bypass link for your clients to view the upcoming website without logging in. There is also an option to exclude specific URLs from displaying the Coming Soon page.

Coming Soon Page WordpPress plugin


  • Uses HTML5 & CSS3
  • Search Engine Optimized with customizable meta tags
  • Option to capture the first and last name
  • Option to control access by IP
  • Translation ready
  • and more.


  • A lot of features
  • Simple to understand
  • Nice plugin.

Under Construction

Under Construction gives you all that you have to set up your site for the support mode. This Coming Soon Page WordPress plugin adjust any part of the page to fit your needs with custom CSS. It also tests all available themes with more than 35 themes.

Coming Soon Page WordpPress plugin


  • Automatic end date and time
  • Enable tracking via Google Analytics
  • Show a discrete link to the login form
  • Alow page title, page description
  • Collect leads and emails with MailChimp
  • and more.


  • Good work
  • Excellent product.


CMP is a very customizable Coming Soon Page WordPress plugin that gives you a chance to show a greeting page for your entire site. Besides, you can generally bypass URL parameter to bypass CMP page for your customers for website preview.

Coming Soon Page WordpPress plugin


  • Choose from 3 bundled Themes
  • Store emails in a local database
  • Set custom Logo, Font Weight, Letter Spacing
  • Display beautiful icons
  • Insert any custom CSS code
  • and more.


  • Easy to use
  • Useful support
  • Best in Functionality.

Under Construction / Maintenance Mode from Acurax

All the essential functions associated with a Coming Soon page is included in Under Construction / Maintenance Mode from Acurax. You have the flexibility to choose any icons or images of your choice as the favicon or browser icon.

Coming Soon Page WordpPress plugin


  • Upload your logo, image or text
  • Collect visitor’s name and email address
  • Custom HTML page support
  • Auto launch option available
  • Social media and Google analytics integrated
  • and more.


  • Simple and clean
  • Essential functionality
  • Practical plugin.

Coming Soon, Under Construction & Maintenance Mode By Dazzler

Coming Soon, Under Construction & Maintenance Mode By Dazzler has a lot of professional features that make it easy for you to create a coming soon site for your projects. For example, you can provide all contact information including address, contact number, and email address.

Coming Soon Page WordpPress plugin


  • Background Image Supported
  • Css3 Animations
  • Live preview option
  • Unlimited color Scheme
  • and more.


  • Clean coded
  • Effective support
  • Simple plugin.

Nifty Coming Soon & Maintenance Page

Nifty Coming Soon & Maintenance Page is very simple to set up and use so that you do not need to have much technical knowledge. Also, you can preview your Coming soon page without the need to log out or use another browser if you use this Best Under Construction WordPress plugin.

Coming Soon Page WordpPress plugin


  • Solid color background mode
  • Animated coming soon text messages
  • Countdown timer ability
  • Coming soon admin bar notification
  • Translation options included
  • and more.


  • Responsive plugin
  • Nice design
  • User-Friendly admin panel.

Coming Soon – Under Construction

Coming Soon – Under Construction enables you to inform and display info and a landing page with cool popup tabs for more information.  What’s more, you can setup Notification Email if you wish to be notified when a user subscribed.

Coming Soon Page WordpPress plugin


  • Custom font families
  • Ability to set coming soon page background video
  • 5 Full-Screen background
  • Send confirmation and notification by E-mail
  • 10 Social media links support
  • and more.


  • Excellent plugin
  • Quick support
  • Quality design.

Site Offline

Site Offline is also another beautiful Best Under Construction WordPress plugin which will be a great option for your page. It helps you easily disable the section that you do not need or gives a retina-ready template with a countdown.

Coming Soon Page WordpPress plugin


  • Html5 supported
  • 4 Social profile Integrated
  • The ability to logo customization
  • Unlimited color scheme
  • and more.


  • Great work
  • Attractive.

Coming soon and Maintenance mode

Coming soon and Maintenance mode is extremely easy to embed in our pages and offer clean information to our viewers. The plugin comes in the form of a shortcode and you may only change the internal parameters. It also may be used in multilingual sites as yours.

Coming Soon Page WordpPress plugin


  • Ability to disable the plugin for specific IPs
  • Enable/Disable search robots
  • Open social websites in a new window
  • Set background image and color
  • Set Meta description and keywords
  • and more.


  • Clean information
  • Great service
  • Good quality.


In conclusion, we hope you can choose the best Coming Soon Page WordPress plugin for you. If you find this blog interesting, please share it with your friends and get more nice free WordPress themes!

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